import torch.nn as nn import torch import torch.optim as optim from torch.optim import lr_scheduler from autoencoder import Autoencoder from evaluation import Evaluation from mlp import MLP from utils import MODEL_FOLDER class DeepDRA(nn.Module): """ DeepDRA (Deep Drug Response Anticipation) is a neural network model composed of two autoencoders for cell and drug modalities and an MLP for integrating the encoded features and making predictions. Parameters: - cell_modality_sizes (list): Sizes of the cell modality features. - drug_modality_sizes (list): Sizes of the drug modality features. - cell_ae_latent_dim (int): Latent dimension for the cell autoencoder. - drug_ae_latent_dim (int): Latent dimension for the drug autoencoder. - mlp_input_dim (int): Input dimension for the MLP. - mlp_output_dim (int): Output dimension for the MLP. """ def __init__(self, cell_modality_sizes, drug_modality_sizes, cell_ae_latent_dim, drug_ae_latent_dim, mlp_input_dim, mlp_output_dim): super(DeepDRA, self).__init__() # Initialize cell and drug autoencoders self.cell_autoencoder = Autoencoder(sum(cell_modality_sizes), cell_ae_latent_dim) self.drug_autoencoder = Autoencoder(sum(drug_modality_sizes), drug_ae_latent_dim) # Store modality sizes self.cell_modality_sizes = cell_modality_sizes self.drug_modality_sizes = drug_modality_sizes # Initialize MLP self.mlp = MLP(mlp_input_dim, mlp_output_dim) def forward(self, cell_x, drug_x): """ Forward pass of the DeepDRA model. Parameters: - cell_x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor for cell modality. - drug_x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor for drug modality. Returns: - cell_decoded (torch.Tensor): Decoded tensor for the cell modality. - drug_decoded (torch.Tensor): Decoded tensor for the drug modality. - mlp_output (torch.Tensor): Output tensor from the MLP. """ # Encode and decode cell modality cell_encoded = self.cell_autoencoder.encoder(cell_x) cell_decoded = self.cell_autoencoder.decoder(cell_encoded) # Encode and decode drug modality drug_encoded = self.drug_autoencoder.encoder(drug_x) drug_decoded = self.drug_autoencoder.decoder(drug_encoded) # Concatenate encoded cell and drug features and pass through MLP mlp_output = self.mlp(, drug_encoded), 1)) return cell_decoded, drug_decoded, mlp_output def compute_l1_loss(self, w): """ Computes L1 regularization loss. Parameters: - w (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. Returns: - loss (torch.Tensor): L1 regularization loss. """ return torch.abs(w).sum() def compute_l2_loss(self, w): """ Computes L2 regularization loss. Parameters: - w (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. Returns: - loss (torch.Tensor): L2 regularization loss. """ return torch.square(w).sum() def train(model, train_loader, num_epochs): """ Trains the DeepDRA (Deep Drug Response Anticipation) model. Parameters: - model (DeepDRA): The DeepDRA model to be trained. - train_loader (DataLoader): DataLoader for the training dataset. - num_epochs (int): Number of training epochs. """ autoencoder_loss_fn = nn.MSELoss() mlp_loss_fn = nn.BCELoss() mlp_optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0005) scheduler = lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(mlp_optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.8, patience=5, verbose=True) for epoch in range(num_epochs): for batch_idx, (cell_data, drug_data, target) in enumerate(train_loader): mlp_optimizer.zero_grad() # Forward pass cell_decoded_output, drug_decoded_output, mlp_output = model(cell_data, drug_data) # Compute losses cell_ae_loss = autoencoder_loss_fn(cell_decoded_output, cell_data) drug_ae_loss = autoencoder_loss_fn(drug_decoded_output, drug_data) mlp_loss = mlp_loss_fn(mlp_output, target) # Total loss is the sum of autoencoder losses and MLP loss total_loss = drug_ae_loss + cell_ae_loss + mlp_loss # Backward pass and optimization total_loss.backward() mlp_optimizer.step() # Print progress if batch_idx % 200 == 0: print('Epoch [{}/{}], Total Loss: {:.4f}'.format( epoch + 1, num_epochs, total_loss.item())) # Learning rate scheduler step scheduler.step(total_loss) # Save the trained model, MODEL_FOLDER + 'DeepDRA.pth') def test(model, test_loader, reverse=False): """ Tests the given model on the test dataset using evaluation metrics. Parameters: - model: The trained model to be evaluated. - test_loader: DataLoader for the test dataset. - reverse (bool): If True, reverse the predictions for evaluation. Returns: - result: The evaluation result based on the chosen metrics. """ # Set model to evaluation mode model.eval() # Initialize lists to store predictions and ground truth labels all_predictions = [] all_labels = [] # Iterate over the test dataset for i, (test_cell_loader, test_drug_loader, labels) in enumerate(test_loader): # Forward pass through the model with torch.no_grad(): decoded_cell_output, decoded_drug_output, mlp_output = model(test_cell_loader, test_drug_loader) # Apply reverse if specified predictions = 1 - mlp_output if reverse else mlp_output # Evaluate the predictions using the specified metrics result = Evaluation.evaluate(labels, predictions) return result