123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291 |
- import numpy as np
- import math
- import torch
- import scipy.io as sio
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--data_path', type=str, help='path to the root of data directory')
- parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, help='dataset name')
- parser.add_argument('--time_partitioning', type=list, help='time partitioning for train/test/val split')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- #Settings
- edge_life = True
- edge_life_window = 10
- no_diag = 20
- make_symmetric = True
- print(args.dataset)
- def print_tensor(A, str):
- print('------------------------')
- print(str)
- print(A)
- print(torch.sum(A._values()))
- print('------------------------')
- if args.dataset == 'Bitcoin Alpha':
- data = np.loadtxt(args.data_path, delimiter=',')
- save_file_location = 'data/Bitcoin_Alpha/'
- save_file_name = 'saved_content_bitcoin_alpha.mat'
- time_delta = 60*60*24*14 # 2 weeks
- time_slices = args.time_partitioning
- no_train_samples, no_val_samples, no_test_samples = time_slices[0], time_slices[1], time_slices[2]
- if args.dataset == 'Bitcoin OTC':
- data = np.loadtxt(args.data_path, delimiter=',')
- save_file_location = 'data/Bitcoin_OTC/'
- save_file_name = 'saved_content_bitcoin_otc.mat'
- time_delta = 60*60*24*14 # 2 weeks
- time_slices = args.time_partitioning
- no_train_samples, no_val_samples, no_test_samples = time_slices[0], time_slices[1], time_slices[2]
- if args.dataset == 'Reddit':
- data = np.loadtxt(args.data_path)
- save_file_location = 'data/reddit/'
- save_file_name = 'saved_content_reddit.mat'
- time_delta = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 # 2 weeks
- time_slices = args.time_partitioning
- no_train_samples, no_val_samples, no_test_samples = time_slices[0], time_slices[1], time_slices[2]
- elif args.dataset == 'Chess':
- data = np.loadtxt(args.data_path, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
- #data = readmatrix('./data/chess/out.chess.csv')
- save_file_location = '/home/shivmaran/Desktop/Tensor-GCN/data/chess/'
- save_file_name = 'saved_content_python_chess.mat'
- time_delta = 60*60*24*31 # 31 days
- time_slices = args.time_partitioning
- no_train_samples, no_val_samples, no_test_samples = time_slices[0], time_slices[1], time_slices[2]
- else:
- print('Invalid dataset')
- #exit
- data = torch.tensor(data)
- # Create full tensor
- if args.dataset == 'Chess':
- dates = np.unique(data[:,3])
- no_time_slices = len(dates)
- else:
- no_time_slices = math.floor((max(data[:,3]) - min(data[:,3]))/time_delta)
- N = int(max(max(data[:,0]), max(data[:,1])))
- T = int(no_train_samples)
- TT = int(no_time_slices)
- #Create M
- M = np.zeros((T,T))
- for i in range(no_diag):
- A = M[i:, :T-i]
- np.fill_diagonal(A, 1)
- L = np.sum(M, axis=1)
- M = M/L[:,None]
- M = torch.tensor(M)
- #Create A and A_labels
- if not args.dataset == 'Chess':
- data = data[data[:,3] < min(data[:,3])+TT*time_delta]
- start_time = min(data[:,3]);
- tensor_idx = torch.zeros([data.size()[0], 3], dtype=torch.long)
- tensor_val = torch.ones([data.size()[0]], dtype=torch.double)
- tensor_labels = torch.zeros([data.size()[0]], dtype=torch.double)
- for t in range(TT):
- if args.dataset == 'Chess':
- idx = data[:,3] == dates[t]
- else:
- end_time = start_time + time_delta
- idx = (data[:, 3] >= start_time) & (data[:, 3] < end_time)
- start_time = end_time
- tensor_idx[idx, 1:3] = (data[idx, 0:2] - 1).type('torch.LongTensor')
- tensor_idx[idx, 0] = t
- tensor_labels[idx] = data[idx, 2].type('torch.DoubleTensor')
- A = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx.transpose(1,0), tensor_val, torch.Size([TT, N, N])).coalesce()
- A_labels = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx.transpose(1,0), tensor_labels, torch.Size([TT, N, N])).coalesce()
- def func_make_symmetric(sparse_tensor, N, TT):
- count = 0
- tensor_idx = torch.LongTensor([])
- tensor_val = torch.DoubleTensor([]).unsqueeze(1)
- A_idx = sparse_tensor._indices()
- A_val = sparse_tensor._values()
- for j in range(TT):
- idx = A_idx[0] == j
- mat = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(A_idx[1:3,idx], A_val[idx], torch.Size([N,N]))
- mat_t = mat.transpose(1,0)
- sym_mat = mat + mat_t
- sym_mat = sym_mat/2
- count = count + sym_mat._nnz()
- vertices = torch.tensor(sym_mat._indices())
- time = torch.ones(sym_mat._nnz(), dtype=torch.long)* j
- time = time.unsqueeze(0)
- full = torch.cat((time,vertices),0)
- tensor_idx = torch.cat((tensor_idx,full),1)
- tensor_val = torch.cat((tensor_val, sym_mat._values().unsqueeze(1)),0)
- tensor_val.squeeze_(1)
- A = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx, tensor_val, torch.Size([TT, N, N])).coalesce()
- return A
- if make_symmetric:
- B = func_make_symmetric(A, N, TT)
- else:
- B = A
- def func_edge_life(A, N, TT):
- A_new = A.clone()
- A_new._values()[:] = 0
- idx = A._indices()[0] == 0
- for t in range(TT):
- idx = (A._indices()[0] >= max(0, t-edge_life_window+1)) & (A._indices()[0] <= t)
- block = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(A._indices()[0:3,idx], A._values()[idx], torch.Size([TT, N, N]))
- block._indices()[0] = t
- A_new = A_new + block
- return A_new.coalesce()
- if edge_life:
- B = func_edge_life(B,N,TT)
- def func_laplacian_transformation(B, N, TT):
- vertices = torch.LongTensor([range(N), range(N)])
- tensor_idx = torch.LongTensor([])
- tensor_val = torch.DoubleTensor([]).unsqueeze(1)
- for j in range(TT):
- time = torch.ones(N, dtype=torch.long) * j
- time = time.unsqueeze(0)
- full = torch.cat((time,vertices),0)
- tensor_idx = torch.cat((tensor_idx,full),1)
- val = torch.ones(N, dtype=torch.double)
- tensor_val = torch.cat((tensor_val, val.unsqueeze(1)),0)
- tensor_val.squeeze_(1)
- I = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx, tensor_val , torch.Size([TT,N,N]))
- C = B + I
- tensor_idx = torch.LongTensor([])
- tensor_val = torch.DoubleTensor([]).unsqueeze(1)
- for j in range(TT):
- idx = C._indices()[0] == j
- mat = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(C._indices()[1:3,idx], C._values()[idx], torch.Size([N,N]))
- vec = torch.ones([N,1], dtype=torch.double)
- degree = 1/torch.sqrt(torch.sparse.mm(mat, vec))
- index = torch.LongTensor(C._indices()[0:3,idx].size())
- values = torch.DoubleTensor(C._values()[idx].size())
- index[0] = j
- index[1:3] = mat._indices()
- values = mat._values()
- count = 0
- for i,j in index[1:3].transpose(1,0):
- values[count] = values[count] * degree[i] * degree[j]
- count = count + 1
- tensor_idx = torch.cat((tensor_idx,index), 1)
- tensor_val = torch.cat((tensor_val,values.unsqueeze(1)),0)
- tensor_val.squeeze_(1)
- C = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx, tensor_val , torch.Size([TT,N,N]))
- return C.coalesce()
- C = func_laplacian_transformation(B, N, TT)
- Ct = C.clone().coalesce()
- if TT < (T + no_val_samples + no_test_samples):
- TTT= (T + no_val_samples + no_test_samples)
- Ct = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(Ct._indices(), Ct._values() , torch.Size([TTT,N,N])).coalesce()
- else:
- TTT = TT
- def func_create_sparse(A, N, TTT, T, start, end):
- assert (end-start) == T
- idx = (A._indices()[0] >= start) & (A._indices()[0] < end)
- index = torch.LongTensor(A._indices()[0:3,idx].size())
- values = torch.DoubleTensor(A._values()[idx].size())
- index[0:3] = A._indices()[0:3,idx]
- index[0] = index[0] - start
- values = A._values()[idx]
- sub = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(index, values , torch.Size([T,N,N]))
- return sub.coalesce()
- C_train = func_create_sparse(Ct, N, TTT, T, 0, T)#There is a bug in matlab Bitcoin Alpha
- C_val = func_create_sparse(Ct, N, TTT, T, no_val_samples, T+no_val_samples)
- C_test = func_create_sparse(Ct, N, TTT, T, no_val_samples+no_test_samples, TTT)
- def to_sparse(x):
- x_typename = torch.typename(x).split('.')[-1]
- sparse_tensortype = getattr(torch.sparse, x_typename)
- indices = torch.nonzero(x)
- if len(indices.shape) == 0: # if all elements are zeros
- return sparse_tensortype(*x.shape)
- indices = indices.t()
- values = x[tuple(indices[i] for i in range(indices.shape[0]))]
- return sparse_tensortype(indices, values, x.size())
- dense = torch.randn(3,3)
- dense[[0,0,1], [1,2,0]] = 0 # make sparse
- def func_MProduct(C, M):
- assert C.size()[0] == M.size()[0]
- Tr = C.size()[0]
- N = C.size()[1]
- C_new = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(C.size())
- #C_new = C.clone()
- for j in range(Tr):
- idx = C._indices()[0] == j
- mat = torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(C._indices()[1:3,idx], C._values()[idx], torch.Size([N,N]))
- tensor_idx = torch.zeros([3, mat._nnz()], dtype=torch.long)
- tensor_val = torch.zeros([mat._nnz()], dtype=torch.double)
- tensor_idx[1:3] = mat._indices()[0:2]
- indices = torch.nonzero(M[:,j])
- assert indices.size()[0] <= no_diag
- for i in range(indices.size()[0]):
- tensor_idx[0] = indices[i]
- tensor_val = M[indices[i], j] * mat._values()
- C_new = C_new + torch.sparse.DoubleTensor(tensor_idx, tensor_val , C.size())
- C_new.coalesce()
- return C_new.coalesce()
- Ct_train = func_MProduct(C_train, M)#There is a bug in matlab Bitcoin Alpha
- Ct_val = func_MProduct(C_val, M)
- Ct_test = func_MProduct(C_test, M)
- A_subs = A._indices()
- A_vals = A._values()
- A_labels_subs = A_labels._indices()
- A_labels_vals = A_labels._values()
- C_subs = C._indices()
- C_vals = C.values()
- C_train_subs = C_train._indices()
- C_train_vals = C_train.values()
- C_val_subs = C_val._indices()
- C_val_vals = C_val.values()
- C_test_subs = C_test._indices()
- C_test_vals = C_test.values()
- Ct_train_subs = Ct_train._indices()
- Ct_train_vals = Ct_train.values()
- Ct_val_subs = Ct_val._indices()
- Ct_val_vals = Ct_val.values()
- Ct_test_subs = Ct_test._indices()
- Ct_test_vals = Ct_test.values()
- sio.savemat(save_file_location + save_file_name, {
- 'tensor_idx': np.array(tensor_idx),
- 'tensor_labels': np.array(tensor_labels),
- 'A_labels_subs': np.array(A_labels_subs),
- 'A_labels_vals': np.array(A_labels_vals),
- 'A_subs': np.array(A_subs),
- 'A_vals': np.array(A_vals),
- 'C_subs': np.array(C_subs),
- 'C_vals': np.array(C_vals),
- 'C_train_subs': np.array(C_train_subs),
- 'C_train_vals': np.array(C_train_vals),
- 'C_val_subs': np.array(C_val_subs),
- 'C_val_vals': np.array(C_val_vals),
- 'C_test_subs': np.array(C_test_subs),
- 'C_test_vals': np.array(C_test_vals),
- 'Ct_train_subs': np.array(Ct_train_subs),
- 'Ct_train_vals': np.array(Ct_train_vals),
- 'Ct_val_subs': np.array(Ct_val_subs),
- 'Ct_val_vals': np.array(Ct_val_vals),
- 'Ct_test_subs': np.array(Ct_test_subs),
- 'Ct_test_vals': np.array(Ct_test_vals),
- 'M': np.array(M)
- })