The codes and documentation for my BSc project in the area of Cancer Genomics
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 7.3KB

  1. import os
  2. import argparse
  3. import numpy as np
  4. import pandas as pd
  5. from tqdm import tqdm
  6. tqdm.pandas()
  7. DATA_DIR = './data'
  8. OUTPUT_DIR = './output'
  9. cancers_with_ILMN = ['Pancreas'] # gene_id: ILMN_
  10. cancers_with_NM = ['Nervous System'] # gene_id: NM_/NR/_
  11. cancers_with_ENS_version = ['Blood']
  12. def read_data(folder: str, file_path: str):
  13. if file_path.endswith('.tsv'):
  14. return pd.read_csv(f'{DATA_DIR}/{folder}/{file_path}', sep='\t', header=0, low_memory=False)
  15. return None
  16. def read_data_csv(folder: str, file_path: str):
  17. return pd.read_csv(f'{DATA_DIR}/{folder}/{file_path}', header=0, low_memory=False)
  18. def read_chunk_by_chunk(folder: str, file_path: str, columns=None):
  19. df = pd.DataFrame()
  20. for chunk in pd.read_csv(f"{DATA_DIR}/{folder}/{file_path}", sep='\t', header=0, low_memory=False, chunksize=1e6):
  21. df = pd.concat([df, chunk[columns] if columns else chunk], ignore_index=True)
  22. return df
  23. def save_tsv(df, output_path, file_path):
  24. if not os.path.exists(output_path):
  25. os.makedirs(output_path)
  26. df.to_csv(f'{output_path}/{file_path}', sep='\t')
  27. def get_mutation_data(cancer_type, mutation_path, mutation_type=None):
  28. columns = ['icgc_donor_id', 'gene_affected', 'mutation_type']
  29. data = read_chunk_by_chunk(cancer_type, mutation_path, columns)
  30. if mutation_type:
  31. data = data[data['mutation_type'] == mutation_type] \
  32. .drop(columns=['mutation_type'])
  33. return data.dropna()
  34. def get_expression_data(cancer_type, expression_path):
  35. columns = ['icgc_donor_id', 'gene_id']
  36. data = read_chunk_by_chunk(cancer_type, expression_path, columns)
  37. return data.dropna()
  38. def get_genes(genes_path, gene_class=None):
  39. genes = pd.read_csv(genes_path, sep='\t', header=0)
  40. genes.gene_symbol = list(map(lambda g: g[1:-1], genes.gene_symbol))
  41. if gene_class:
  42. genes = genes[genes['gene_class'] == gene_class]
  43. genes = genes[['gene_name', 'gene_symbol']] \
  44. .rename({'gene_name': 'gene_ensembl_id'}, axis=1)
  45. return genes
  46. def store_summary(df, output_path, file_name):
  47. if not os.path.exists(output_path):
  48. os.makedirs(output_path)
  49. save_tsv(df, OUTPUT_DIR, f'result-{file_name}.tsv')
  50. print(f'>>> Summary for {file_name} (considering mutation and expression):')
  51. print('\tDonors in Common:', df.shape[0])
  52. print('\tGenes in Common:', df.shape[1])
  53. def perform_analysis(args, cancer_type):
  54. genes = get_genes(args.genes_path)
  55. ### Mutation
  56. mut = get_mutation_data(cancer_type, args.mutation_path, mutation_type='single base substitution')
  57. mut_data = mut.rename({'gene_affected': 'gene_ensembl_id'}, axis=1)
  58. sign_mut_samples = pd.merge(genes, mut_data, how='left', on='gene_ensembl_id') \
  59. .drop(columns=['gene_ensembl_id']) \
  60. .drop_duplicates() \
  61. .dropna()
  62. ### Expression
  63. expr = get_expression_data(cancer_type, args.expression_path)
  64. #### Before this part the R script needs to have been run to convert Illumina probe to gene
  65. if cancer_type in cancers_with_ILMN:
  66. ILMN_genes = pd.read_csv(f'./{DATA_DIR}/{cancer_type}/converted_genes.csv')['Gene']
  67. expr['gene_symbol'] = ILMN_genes
  68. expr = expr.dropna()
  69. if cancer_type in cancers_with_ENS_version + cancers_with_NM:
  70. converted_genes = pd.read_csv(f'./{DATA_DIR}/{cancer_type}/converted_genes.csv')
  71. expr = pd.merge(expr, converted_genes, how='left', left_on="gene_id", right_on='initial_id')
  72. expr = expr.rename({'Gene': 'gene_symbol'}, axis=1)
  73. expr = expr.dropna()
  74. else:
  75. expr = expr.rename({'gene_id': 'gene_symbol'}, axis=1)
  76. ## Merge datasets
  77. ### Find intersection
  78. cols = ['icgc_donor_id', 'gene_symbol']
  79. mut_data = sign_mut_samples[cols]
  80. expr_data = expr[cols]
  81. common_donors = np.intersect1d(mut_data[['icgc_donor_id']], expr_data[['icgc_donor_id']])
  82. print('Initial common donors:', common_donors.shape)
  83. common_genes = np.intersect1d(mut_data[['gene_symbol']], expr_data[['gene_symbol']])
  84. print('Initial common genes:', common_genes.shape)
  85. # Narrow down both datasets
  86. final_mut = pd.merge(pd.Series(common_genes, name='gene_symbol'), mut_data, how='left', on='gene_symbol')
  87. final_mut = pd.merge(pd.Series(common_donors, name='icgc_donor_id'), final_mut, how='left', on='icgc_donor_id')
  88. final_expr = pd.merge(pd.Series(common_genes, name='gene_symbol'), expr_data, how='left', on='gene_symbol')
  89. final_expr = pd.merge(pd.Series(common_donors, name='icgc_donor_id'), final_expr, how='left', on='icgc_donor_id')
  90. updated_common_genes = np.intersect1d(final_expr.gene_symbol.unique(), final_mut.gene_symbol.unique())
  91. updated_common_donor = np.intersect1d(final_expr.icgc_donor_id.unique(), final_mut.icgc_donor_id.unique())
  92. final_mut = pd.merge(pd.Series(updated_common_genes, name='gene_symbol'), final_mut, how='left', on='gene_symbol')
  93. final_mut = pd.merge(pd.Series(updated_common_donor, name='icgc_donor_id'), final_mut, how='left',
  94. on='icgc_donor_id')
  95. final_expr = pd.merge(pd.Series(updated_common_genes, name='gene_symbol'), final_expr, how='left', on='gene_symbol')
  96. final_expr = pd.merge(pd.Series(updated_common_donor, name='icgc_donor_id'), final_expr, how='left',
  97. on='icgc_donor_id')
  98. final_mut.sort_values(by='gene_symbol', inplace=True)
  99. final_expr.sort_values(by='gene_symbol', inplace=True)
  100. sorted_common_genes = np.sort(updated_common_genes)
  101. ### Matrix generation
  102. result_mut = pd.DataFrame(index=updated_common_donor, columns=updated_common_genes).fillna(0)
  103. for idx, row in tqdm(final_mut.drop_duplicates().groupby('icgc_donor_id')['gene_symbol'].apply(list).iteritems()):
  104. result_mut.loc[idx, row] = 1
  105. result_expr = pd.DataFrame(index=updated_common_donor, columns=updated_common_genes).fillna(0)
  106. for idx, row in tqdm(final_expr.drop_duplicates().groupby('icgc_donor_id')['gene_symbol'].apply(list).iteritems()):
  107. result_expr.loc[idx, row] = 1
  108. result_values = result_expr.values * result_mut.values
  109. result = pd.DataFrame(data=result_values, index=updated_common_donor, columns=updated_common_genes)
  110. #### Store results
  111. store_summary(result, OUTPUT_DIR, f'result-{cancer_type}.csv')
  112. def run(args):
  113. if not args.cancer_type:
  114. if args.run_all:
  115. sub_folders = [ for f in os.scandir(args.data_path) if f.is_dir()]
  116. for cancer_type in sub_folders:
  117. perform_analysis(args, cancer_type)
  118. else:
  119. raise Exception('Either set --cancer-type or set run_all to True')
  120. if not os.path.exists(f'{args.data_path}/{args.cancer_type}'):
  121. raise Exception('arg --cancer-type is not a valid directory')
  122. perform_analysis(args, args.cancer_type)
  123. if __name__ == '__main__':
  124. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  125. parser.add_argument('--cancer-type', type=str, default='Test')
  126. parser.add_argument('--run-all', type=bool, default=False)
  127. parser.add_argument('--data-path', type=str, default='./data')
  128. parser.add_argument('--genes-path', type=str, default='./data/genes_list.tsv')
  129. parser.add_argument('--expression-path', type=str, default='exp_array.tsv')
  130. parser.add_argument('--mutation-path', type=str, default='')
  131. parser.add_argument('--output-path', type=str, default='./output')
  132. run(parser.parse_args())