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  1. from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
  2. from typing import Callable, Dict, Generic, Iterator, List, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
  3. from uuid import UUID, uuid4
  4. import torch
  5. import torch.nn.functional as F
  6. from torch import nn
  7. import torchvision
  8. from . import modules as M
  9. TModule = TypeVar('TModule', bound=nn.Module)
  10. TType = TypeVar('TType', bound=type)
  11. def safe_divide(a, b):
  12. return a / (b + b.eq(0).type(b.type()) * 1e-9) *
  13. class classdict(Dict[type, TType], Generic[TType]):
  14. def __nearest_available_resolution(self, __k: Type[TModule]) -> Type[TModule]:
  15. return next((r for r in __k.mro() if dict.__contains__(self, r)), None)
  16. def __contains__(self, __k: Type[TModule]) -> bool:
  17. return self.__nearest_available_resolution(__k) is not None
  18. def __getitem__(self, __k: Type[TModule]) -> TType:
  19. r = self.__nearest_available_resolution(__k)
  20. if r is None:
  21. raise KeyError(f"{__k} not found!")
  22. return super().__getitem__(r)
  23. class RPProvider:
  24. __props: Dict[Type[TModule], Type['RelProp[TModule]']] = classdict()
  25. __instances: Dict[TModule, 'RelProp[TModule]'] = {}
  26. __target_results: Dict[nn.Module, torch.Tensor] = {}
  27. @classmethod
  28. def register(cls, *module_types: Type[TModule]):
  29. def decorator(prop_cls):
  30. cls.__props.update({
  31. module_type: prop_cls
  32. for module_type in module_types
  33. })
  34. return prop_cls
  35. return decorator
  36. @classmethod
  37. def create(cls, module: TModule):
  38. cls.__instances[module] = prop = cls.__props[type(module)](module)
  39. return prop
  40. @classmethod
  41. def __hook(cls, prop: 'RelProp[TModule]', R: torch.Tensor) -> None:
  42. r_weight = torch.mean(R, dim=(2, 3), keepdim=True)
  43. r_cam = prop.X * r_weight
  44. r_cam = torch.sum(r_cam, dim=1, keepdim=True)
  45. cls.__target_results[prop.module] = r_cam
  46. @classmethod
  47. @contextmanager
  48. def capture(cls, target_layers: List[nn.Module]) -> Iterator[Dict[nn.Module, torch.Tensor]]:
  49. with ExitStack() as stack:
  50. cls.__target_results.clear()
  51. [stack.enter_context(prop.hook_module())
  52. for prop in cls.__instances.values()]
  53. [stack.enter_context(cls.get(target).register_hook(cls.__hook))
  54. for target in target_layers]
  55. yield cls.__target_results
  56. @classmethod
  57. def propable(cls, module: TModule) -> bool:
  58. return type(module) in cls.__props
  59. @classmethod
  60. def get(cls, module: TModule) -> 'RelProp[TModule]':
  61. return cls.__instances[module]
  62. @RPProvider.register(nn.Identity, nn.ReLU, nn.LeakyReLU, nn.Dropout, nn.Sigmoid)
  63. class RelProp(Generic[TModule]):
  64. Hook = Callable[['RelProp', torch.Tensor], None]
  65. def __forward_hook(self, _, input: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], output: torch.Tensor):
  66. if type(input[0]) in (list, tuple):
  67. self.X = []
  68. for i in input[0]:
  69. x = i.detach()
  70. x.requires_grad = True
  71. self.X.append(x)
  72. else:
  73. self.X = input[0].detach()
  74. self.X.requires_grad = True
  75. self.Y = output
  76. def __init__(self, module: TModule) -> None:
  77. self.module = module
  78. self.__hooks: Dict[UUID, RelProp.Hook] = {}
  79. @contextmanager
  80. def hook_module(self):
  81. handle = self.module.register_forward_hook(self.__forward_hook)
  82. try:
  83. yield
  84. finally:
  85. handle.remove()
  86. @contextmanager
  87. def register_hook(self, hook: 'RelProp.Hook'):
  88. uuid = uuid4()
  89. self.__hooks[uuid] = hook
  90. try:
  91. yield
  92. finally:
  93. self.__hooks.pop(uuid)
  94. def grad(self, Z, X, S):
  95. C = torch.autograd.grad(Z, X, S, retain_graph=True)
  96. return C
  97. def __call__(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  98. R = self.rel(R, alpha=alpha)
  99. [hook(self, R) for hook in self.__hooks.values()]
  100. return R
  101. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  102. return R
  103. @RPProvider.register(nn.MaxPool2d, nn.AvgPool2d, M.Add, torchvision.transforms.transforms.Normalize)
  104. class RelPropSimple(RelProp[TModule]):
  105. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  106. Z = self.module.forward(self.X)
  107. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  108. C = self.grad(Z, self.X, S)
  109. if torch.is_tensor(self.X) == False:
  110. outputs = []
  111. outputs.append(self.X[0] * C[0])
  112. outputs.append(self.X[1] * C[1])
  113. else:
  114. outputs = self.X * C[0]
  115. return outputs
  116. @RPProvider.register(nn.Flatten)
  117. class RelPropFlatten(RelProp[TModule]):
  118. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  119. return R.reshape_as(self.X)
  120. @RPProvider.register(nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d)
  121. class AdaptiveAvgPool2dRelProp(RelProp[nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d]):
  122. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  123. px = torch.clamp(self.X, min=0)
  124. def f(x1):
  125. Z1 = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x1, self.module.output_size)
  126. S1 = safe_divide(R, Z1)
  127. C1 = x1 * self.grad(Z1, x1, S1)[0]
  128. return C1
  129. activator_relevances = f(px)
  130. out = activator_relevances
  131. return out
  132. @RPProvider.register(nn.ZeroPad2d)
  133. class ZeroPad2dRelProp(RelProp[nn.ZeroPad2d]):
  134. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  135. Z = self.module.forward(self.X)
  136. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  137. C = self.grad(Z, self.X, S)
  138. outputs = self.X * C[0]
  139. return outputs
  140. @RPProvider.register(M.Multiply)
  141. class MultiplyRelProp(RelProp[M.Multiply]):
  142. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  143. x0 = torch.clamp(self.X[0], min=0)
  144. x1 = torch.clamp(self.X[1], min=0)
  145. x = [x0, x1]
  146. Z = self.module.forward(x)
  147. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  148. C = self.grad(Z, x, S)
  149. outputs = []
  150. outputs.append(x[0] * C[0])
  151. outputs.append(x[1] * C[1])
  152. return outputs
  153. @RPProvider.register(M.Cat)
  154. class CatRelProp(RelProp[M.Cat]):
  155. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  156. Z = self.module.forward(self.X, self.module.dim)
  157. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  158. C = self.grad(Z, self.X, S)
  159. outputs = []
  160. for x, c in zip(self.X, C):
  161. outputs.append(x * c)
  162. return outputs
  163. @RPProvider.register(nn.Sequential)
  164. class SequentialRelProp(RelProp[nn.Sequential]):
  165. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  166. for m in reversed(self.module):
  167. R = RPProvider.get(m)(R, alpha=alpha)
  168. return R
  169. @RPProvider.register(nn.BatchNorm2d)
  170. class BatchNorm2dRelProp(RelProp[nn.BatchNorm2d]):
  171. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  172. X = self.X
  173. beta = 1 - alpha
  174. weight = self.module.weight.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3) / (
  175. (self.module.running_var.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).pow(2) + self.module.eps).pow(0.5))
  176. Z = X * weight + 1e-9
  177. S = R / Z
  178. Ca = S * weight
  179. R = self.X * (Ca)
  180. return R
  181. @RPProvider.register(nn.Linear)
  182. class LinearRelProp(RelProp[nn.Linear]):
  183. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  184. beta = alpha - 1
  185. pw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, min=0)
  186. nw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, max=0)
  187. px = torch.clamp(self.X, min=0)
  188. nx = torch.clamp(self.X, max=0)
  189. def f(w1, w2, x1, x2):
  190. Z1 = F.linear(x1, w1)
  191. Z2 = F.linear(x2, w2)
  192. Z = Z1 + Z2
  193. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  194. C1 = x1 * self.grad(Z1, x1, S)[0]
  195. C2 = x2 * self.grad(Z2, x2, S)[0]
  196. return C1 + C2
  197. activator_relevances = f(pw, nw, px, nx)
  198. inhibitor_relevances = f(nw, pw, px, nx)
  199. out = alpha * activator_relevances - beta*inhibitor_relevances
  200. return out
  201. @RPProvider.register(nn.Conv2d)
  202. class Conv2dRelProp(RelProp[nn.Conv2d]):
  203. def gradprop2(self, DY, weight):
  204. Z = self.module.forward(self.X)
  205. output_padding = self.X.size()[2] - (
  206. (Z.size()[2] - 1) * self.module.stride[0] - 2 * self.module.padding[0] + self.module.kernel_size[0])
  207. return F.conv_transpose2d(DY, weight, stride=self.module.stride, padding=self.module.padding, output_padding=output_padding)
  208. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  209. if self.X.shape[1] == 3:
  210. pw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, min=0)
  211. nw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, max=0)
  212. X = self.X
  213. L = self.X * 0 + \
  214. torch.min(torch.min(torch.min(self.X, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0], dim=2, keepdim=True)[0], dim=3,
  215. keepdim=True)[0]
  216. H = self.X * 0 + \
  217. torch.max(torch.max(torch.max(self.X, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0], dim=2, keepdim=True)[0], dim=3,
  218. keepdim=True)[0]
  219. Za = torch.conv2d(X, self.module.weight, bias=None, stride=self.module.stride, padding=self.module.padding) - \
  220. torch.conv2d(L, pw, bias=None, stride=self.module.stride, padding=self.module.padding) - \
  221. torch.conv2d(H, nw, bias=None, stride=self.module.stride,
  222. padding=self.module.padding) + 1e-9
  223. S = R / Za
  224. C = X * self.gradprop2(S, self.module.weight) - L * \
  225. self.gradprop2(S, pw) - H * self.gradprop2(S, nw)
  226. R = C
  227. else:
  228. beta = alpha - 1
  229. pw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, min=0)
  230. nw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, max=0)
  231. px = torch.clamp(self.X, min=0)
  232. nx = torch.clamp(self.X, max=0)
  233. def f(w1, w2, x1, x2):
  234. Z1 = F.conv2d(x1, w1, bias=self.module.bias, stride=self.module.stride,
  235. padding=self.module.padding, groups=self.module.groups)
  236. Z2 = F.conv2d(x2, w2, bias=self.module.bias, stride=self.module.stride,
  237. padding=self.module.padding, groups=self.module.groups)
  238. Z = Z1 + Z2
  239. S = safe_divide(R, Z)
  240. C1 = x1 * self.grad(Z1, x1, S)[0]
  241. C2 = x2 * self.grad(Z2, x2, S)[0]
  242. return C1 + C2
  243. activator_relevances = f(pw, nw, px, nx)
  244. inhibitor_relevances = f(nw, pw, px, nx)
  245. R = alpha * activator_relevances - beta * inhibitor_relevances
  246. return R
  247. @RPProvider.register(nn.ConvTranspose2d)
  248. class ConvTranspose2dRelProp(RelProp[nn.ConvTranspose2d]):
  249. def rel(self, R: torch.Tensor, alpha: float = 1) -> torch.Tensor:
  250. pw = torch.clamp(self.module.weight, min=0)
  251. px = torch.clamp(self.X, min=0)
  252. def f(w1, x1):
  253. Z1 = F.conv_transpose2d(x1, w1, bias=None, stride=self.module.stride,
  254. padding=self.module.padding, output_padding=self.module.output_padding)
  255. S1 = safe_divide(R, Z1)
  256. C1 = x1 * self.grad(Z1, x1, S1)[0]
  257. return C1
  258. activator_relevances = f(pw, px)
  259. R = activator_relevances
  260. return R