{ |
"cells": [ |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": { |
"id": "Nx8IcGZHAKn_" |
}, |
"source": [ |
"# Imports" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "Dhv1DYPL3Vm1" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"from torch_geometric.nn import HGTConv, Linear\n", |
"from torch_geometric.loader import HGTLoader\n", |
"from torch_geometric.data import HeteroData\n", |
"import torch.nn.functional as F\n", |
"import pickle5 as pickle\n", |
"import torch.nn as nn\n", |
"import pandas as pd\n", |
"from utils import *\n", |
"import random\n", |
"import torch\n", |
"import copy" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')\n", |
"node_type1 = 'drug'\n", |
"node_type2 = 'disease'\n", |
"rel = 'indication'" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "oOEkKAITR8tc" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"config = {\n", |
" \"num_samples\": 512,\n", |
" \"batch_size\": 164,\n", |
" \"dropout\": 0.5,\n", |
" \"epochs\": 300\n", |
"}" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": { |
"id": "-cRmQ9cEAO_K" |
}, |
"source": [ |
"# Load data" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "uf_2DpGQCCFJ" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"primekg_file = '../data/kg.csv'\n", |
"df = pd.read_csv(primekg_file, sep =\",\")" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Get drugs and diseases which are used in indication relation." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"drug_disease_pairs = df[df['relation']==rel]\n", |
"drugs, diseases = [], []\n", |
"\n", |
"for i, row in drug_disease_pairs.iterrows():\n", |
" if row['x_type'] == node_type1:\n", |
" drugs.append(row['x_index'])\n", |
" if row['x_type'] == node_type2:\n", |
" diseases.append(row['x_index'])\n", |
" \n", |
" if row['y_type'] == node_type1:\n", |
" drugs.append(row['y_index'])\n", |
" if row['y_type'] == node_type2:\n", |
" diseases.append(row['y_index'])\n", |
" \n", |
"drugs, diseases = list(set(drugs)), list(set(diseases))" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Remove drug and disease nodes that do not contribute to at least one indication edge. " |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"to_remove = df[df['x_type']==node_type1]\n", |
"to_remove = to_remove[~to_remove['x_index'].isin(drugs)]\n", |
"df.drop(to_remove.index, inplace = True)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"to_remove = df[df['y_type']==node_type1]\n", |
"to_remove = to_remove[~to_remove['y_index'].isin(drugs)]\n", |
"df.drop(to_remove.index, inplace = True)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"to_remove = df[df['x_type']==node_type2]\n", |
"to_remove = to_remove[~to_remove['x_index'].isin(diseases)]\n", |
"df.drop(to_remove.index, inplace = True)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"to_remove = df[df['y_type']==node_type2]\n", |
"to_remove = to_remove[~to_remove['y_index'].isin(diseases)]\n", |
"df.drop(to_remove.index, inplace = True)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Make HeteroData object for the graph." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"new_df = pd.DataFrame()\n", |
"new_df[0] = df['x_type'] + '::' + df['x_index'].astype(str)\n", |
"new_df[1] = df['relation']\n", |
"new_df[2] = df['y_type'] + '::' +df['y_index'].astype(str)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"df = new_df\n", |
"df = df.drop_duplicates()\n", |
"triplets = df.values.tolist()" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "jUcSDffvCtKY" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"entity_dictionary = {}\n", |
"def insert_entry(entry, ent_type, dic):\n", |
" if ent_type not in dic:\n", |
" dic[ent_type] = {}\n", |
" ent_n_id = len(dic[ent_type])\n", |
" if entry not in dic[ent_type]:\n", |
" dic[ent_type][entry] = ent_n_id\n", |
" return dic\n", |
"\n", |
"for triple in triplets:\n", |
" src = triple[0]\n", |
" split_src = src.split('::')\n", |
" src_type = split_src[0]\n", |
" dest = triple[2]\n", |
" split_dest = dest.split('::')\n", |
" dest_type = split_dest[0]\n", |
" insert_entry(src,src_type,entity_dictionary)\n", |
" insert_entry(dest,dest_type,entity_dictionary)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "vTybNyrqFLrl" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"edge_dictionary={}\n", |
"for triple in triplets:\n", |
" src = triple[0]\n", |
" split_src = src.split('::')\n", |
" src_type = split_src[0]\n", |
" dest = triple[2]\n", |
" split_dest = dest.split('::')\n", |
" dest_type = split_dest[0]\n", |
" \n", |
" src_int_id = entity_dictionary[src_type][src]\n", |
" dest_int_id = entity_dictionary[dest_type][dest]\n", |
" \n", |
" pair = (src_int_id,dest_int_id)\n", |
" etype = (src_type, triple[1],dest_type)\n", |
" if etype in edge_dictionary:\n", |
" edge_dictionary[etype] += [pair]\n", |
" else:\n", |
" edge_dictionary[etype] = [pair]" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"data = HeteroData()\n", |
"\n", |
"for i, key in enumerate(entity_dictionary.keys()):\n", |
" if key != 'drug':\n", |
" data[key].x = (torch.ones((len(entity_dictionary[key]), 768)) * i)\n", |
" elif key == 'drug':\n", |
" data[key].x = (torch.rand((len(entity_dictionary[key]), 767)))\n", |
" \n", |
" data[key].id = torch.arange(len(entity_dictionary[key]))\n", |
"\n", |
"for key in edge_dictionary:\n", |
" data[key].edge_index = torch.transpose(torch.IntTensor(edge_dictionary[key]), 0, 1).long().contiguous()" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Add initial embeddings." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"embeddings = pd.read_pickle('../data/entities_embeddings.pkl')\n", |
"smiles_embeddings = pd.read_pickle('../data/smiles_embeddings.pkl')\n", |
"\n", |
"for i, row in smiles_embeddings.iterrows():\n", |
" if row['id'] in entity_dictionary['drug'].keys():\n", |
" drug_id = entity_dictionary['drug'][row['id']]\n", |
" data['drug'].x[drug_id] = torch.Tensor(row['embedding'])\n", |
"\n", |
"for i, row in embeddings.iterrows():\n", |
" x_type = row['id'].split('::')[0]\n", |
" if x_type in data.node_types and row['id'] in entity_dictionary[x_type] and x_type != 'drug':\n", |
" id_ = entity_dictionary[x_type][row['id']]\n", |
" data[x_type].x[id_][:768] = torch.Tensor(row['embedding'])" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Load train and validation data of one fold." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"file = open('../data/CV data/train1.pkl', 'rb')\n", |
"train_data = pickle.load(file)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"file = open('../data/CV data/val1.pkl', 'rb')\n", |
"val_data = pickle.load(file)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Creating mask." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"drug_disease_num = train_data[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_index'].shape[1]\n", |
"mask = random.sample(range(drug_disease_num), int(drug_disease_num*0.8))\n", |
"train_data[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['mask'] = torch.zeros(drug_disease_num, dtype=torch.bool)\n", |
"train_data[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['mask'][mask] = True\n", |
"\n", |
"train_data[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['mask'] = torch.zeros(drug_disease_num, dtype=torch.bool)\n", |
"train_data[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['mask'][mask] = True" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Define model." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "ql-F7A42fMWm" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"class HGT(nn.Module):\n", |
" def __init__(self, hidden_channels, out_channels, num_heads, num_layers, dropout):\n", |
" super().__init__()\n", |
"\n", |
" self.lin_dict = nn.ModuleDict()\n", |
" for node_type in train_data.node_types:\n", |
" self.lin_dict[node_type] = Linear(-1, hidden_channels[0])\n", |
" \n", |
" self.convs = nn.ModuleList()\n", |
" for i in range(num_layers):\n", |
" conv = HGTConv(hidden_channels[i], hidden_channels[i+1], train_data.metadata(),\n", |
" num_heads[i], group='mean')\n", |
" self.convs.append(conv)\n", |
" \n", |
" self.lin = Linear(sum(hidden_channels[1:]), out_channels)\n", |
" \n", |
" self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)\n", |
"\n", |
" def forward(self, x_dict, edge_index_dict):\n", |
" x_dict = {\n", |
" node_type: self.dropout(self.lin_dict[node_type](x).relu_())\n", |
" for node_type, x in x_dict.items()\n", |
" }\n", |
" out = {}\n", |
" for i, conv in enumerate(self.convs):\n", |
" x_dict = conv(x_dict, edge_index_dict)\n", |
"\n", |
" if out=={}:\n", |
" out = copy.copy(x_dict)\n", |
" else:\n", |
" out = {\n", |
" node_type: torch.cat((out[node_type], x_dict[node_type]), dim=1)\n", |
" for node_type, x in x_dict.items()\n", |
" }\n", |
"\n", |
" return F.relu(self.lin(out[node_type1])), F.relu(self.lin(out[node_type2]))" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "atdEjxJqvLaN" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"class MLPPredictor(nn.Module):\n", |
" def __init__(self, channel_num, dropout):\n", |
" super().__init__()\n", |
" self.L1 = nn.Linear(channel_num * 2, channel_num)\n", |
" self.L2 = nn.Linear(channel_num, 1)\n", |
" self.bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(num_features=channel_num)\n", |
" self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.2)\n", |
"\n", |
" def forward(self, drug_embeddings, disease_embeddings):\n", |
" x = torch.cat((drug_embeddings, disease_embeddings), dim=1)\n", |
" x = F.relu(self.bn(self.L1(x)))\n", |
" x = self.dropout(x)\n", |
" x = self.L2(x)\n", |
" return x" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "6fHs5rX76ldq" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def compute_loss(scores, labels):\n", |
" pos_weights = torch.clone(labels)\n", |
" pos_weights[pos_weights == 1] = ((labels==0).sum() / labels.shape[0])\n", |
" pos_weights[pos_weights == 0] = ((labels==1).sum() / labels.shape[0])\n", |
" \n", |
" return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(scores, labels, pos_weight=pos_weights)\n", |
"# return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(scores, labels)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "nmLsh9VigPpI" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def define_model(dropout):\n", |
" GNN = HGT(hidden_channels=[64, 64, 64, 64],\n", |
" out_channels=64,\n", |
" num_heads=[8, 8, 8],\n", |
" num_layers=3,\n", |
" dropout=dropout)\n", |
"\n", |
" pred = MLPPredictor(64, dropout)\n", |
" model = nn.Sequential(GNN, pred)\n", |
" model.to(device)\n", |
" \n", |
" return GNN, pred, model" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "kk5vWUiQV7oi" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def define_loaders(config):\n", |
" kwargs = {'batch_size': config['batch_size'], 'num_workers': 8, 'persistent_workers': True}\n", |
" \n", |
" train_loader = HGTLoader(train_data, num_samples=[config['num_samples']] * 3, shuffle=True, input_nodes=(node_type1, None), **kwargs)\n", |
" val_loader = HGTLoader(val_data, num_samples=[config['num_samples']] * 3, shuffle=True, input_nodes=(node_type1, None), **kwargs)\n", |
" return train_loader, val_loader" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def edge_exists(edges, edge):\n", |
" edges = edges.to(device)\n", |
" edge = edge.to(device)\n", |
" return (edges == edge).all(dim=0).sum() > 0" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Make batches." |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def make_batch(batch):\n", |
" \n", |
" batch_size = batch[node_type1].batch_size\n", |
" edge_index = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_index']\n", |
" mask = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['mask'] \n", |
" \n", |
" batch_index = (edge_index[0] < batch_size)\n", |
" edge_index = edge_index[:, batch_index]\n", |
" mask = mask[batch_index]\n", |
" edge_label_index = edge_index[:, mask]\n", |
" pos_num = edge_label_index.shape[1]\n", |
" edge_label = torch.ones(pos_num)\n", |
" \n", |
" neg_edges_source = []\n", |
" neg_edges_dest = []\n", |
" while len(neg_edges_source) < pos_num:\n", |
" source = random.randint(0, batch_size-1)\n", |
" dest = random.randint(0, batch[node_type2].x.shape[0]-1)\n", |
" neg_edge = torch.Tensor([[source], [dest]])\n", |
" if edge_exists(edge_index, neg_edge):\n", |
" continue\n", |
" else:\n", |
" neg_edges_source.append(source)\n", |
" neg_edges_dest.append(dest)\n", |
" \n", |
" neg_edges = torch.tensor([neg_edges_source, neg_edges_dest])\n", |
" edge_label_index = torch.cat((edge_label_index, neg_edges), dim=1)\n", |
" edge_label = torch.cat((edge_label, torch.zeros(neg_edges.shape[1])), dim=0)\n", |
" edge_index = edge_index[:, ~mask]\n", |
"\n", |
" batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_index'] = edge_index\n", |
" batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label_index'] = edge_label_index\n", |
" batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label'] = edge_label\n", |
" \n", |
" batch[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['edge_index'] = edge_index\n", |
" temp = copy.copy(batch[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['edge_index'][0])\n", |
" batch[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['edge_index'][0] = batch[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['edge_index'][1]\n", |
" batch[(node_type2, rel, node_type1)]['edge_index'][1] = temp\n", |
" \n", |
" return batch" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def make_test_batch(batch):\n", |
" \n", |
" batch_size = batch[node_type1].batch_size\n", |
" edge_index = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_index']\n", |
" edge_label_index = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label_index']\n", |
" edge_label = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label']\n", |
" \n", |
" source = []\n", |
" dest = []\n", |
" labels = []\n", |
" for i in range(edge_label_index.shape[1]):\n", |
" if edge_label_index[0, i] in batch[node_type1]['id'] and edge_label_index[1, i] in batch[node_type2]['id'] \\\n", |
" and ((batch[node_type1]['id'] == edge_label_index[0, i]).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0]) < batch_size:\n", |
" if edge_label[i] == 1:\n", |
" source.append((batch[node_type1]['id'] == edge_label_index[0, i]).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0])\n", |
" dest.append((batch[node_type2]['id'] == edge_label_index[1, i]).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0])\n", |
"\n", |
" edge_label_index = torch.zeros(2, len(source)).long()\n", |
" edge_label_index[0] = torch.tensor(source)\n", |
" edge_label_index[1] = torch.tensor(dest)\n", |
" pos_num = edge_label_index.shape[1]\n", |
" edge_label = torch.ones(pos_num)\n", |
" \n", |
" neg_edges_source = []\n", |
" neg_edges_dest = []\n", |
" while len(neg_edges_source) < pos_num:\n", |
" source_node = random.randint(0, batch_size-1)\n", |
" dest_node = random.randint(0, batch[node_type2].x.shape[0]-1)\n", |
" neg_edge = torch.Tensor([[source_node], [dest_node]])\n", |
" neg_edge_in_orig_graph = torch.Tensor([[batch[node_type1]['id'][source_node]], [batch[node_type2]['id'][dest_node]]])\n", |
" if edge_exists(data[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_index'], neg_edge_in_orig_graph):\n", |
" continue\n", |
" else:\n", |
" neg_edges_source.append(source_node)\n", |
" neg_edges_dest.append(dest_node)\n", |
"\n", |
" neg_edges = torch.tensor([neg_edges_source, neg_edges_dest])\n", |
" edge_label_index = torch.cat((edge_label_index, neg_edges), dim=1)\n", |
" edge_label = torch.cat((edge_label, torch.zeros(neg_edges.shape[1])), dim=0)\n", |
"\n", |
" batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label_index'] = edge_label_index\n", |
" batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label'] = edge_label\n", |
"\n", |
" return batch" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Train" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "51k5xvYymLvw" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def train(GNN, pred, model, loader, optimizer):\n", |
" model.train()\n", |
" total_examples = total_loss = 0\n", |
" for i, batch in enumerate(iter(loader)):\n", |
" optimizer.zero_grad()\n", |
" batch = make_batch(batch)\n", |
" batch = batch.to(device)\n", |
" edge_label_index = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label_index']\n", |
" edge_label = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label']\n", |
" if edge_label.shape[0] == 0:\n", |
" continue\n", |
" \n", |
" drug_embeddings, disease_embeddings = GNN(batch.x_dict, batch.edge_index_dict)\n", |
" \n", |
" c = drug_embeddings[edge_label_index[0]]\n", |
" d = disease_embeddings[edge_label_index[1]]\n", |
" out = pred(c, d)[:, 0]\n", |
" loss = compute_loss(out, edge_label)\n", |
" loss.backward()\n", |
" optimizer.step()\n", |
"\n", |
" total_examples += edge_label_index.shape[1]\n", |
" total_loss += float(loss) * edge_label_index.shape[1]\n", |
"\n", |
" return total_loss / total_examples" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Test" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": { |
"id": "Vyvi80_Wo4GE" |
}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"@torch.no_grad()\n", |
"def test(GNN, pred, model, loader):\n", |
" model.eval()\n", |
"\n", |
" total_examples = total_correct = 0\n", |
" out, labels = torch.tensor([]).to(device), torch.tensor([]).to(device)\n", |
" source, dest = torch.tensor([]).to(device), torch.tensor([]).to(device)\n", |
" for batch in iter(loader):\n", |
" batch = make_test_batch(batch)\n", |
" batch = batch.to(device)\n", |
" drug_embeddings, disease_embeddings = GNN(batch.x_dict, batch.edge_index_dict)\n", |
" \n", |
" edge_label_index = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label_index']\n", |
" edge_label = batch[(node_type1, rel, node_type2)]['edge_label']\n", |
" \n", |
" if edge_label.shape[0] == 0:\n", |
" continue\n", |
" \n", |
" c = drug_embeddings[edge_label_index[0]]\n", |
" d = disease_embeddings[edge_label_index[1]]\n", |
" batch_out = pred(c, d)[:, 0]\n", |
" labels = torch.cat((labels, edge_label))\n", |
" out = torch.cat((out, batch_out))\n", |
" \n", |
" drugs = batch[node_type1]['id'][edge_label_index[0]]\n", |
" diseases = batch[node_type2]['id'][edge_label_index[1]]\n", |
" source = torch.cat((source, drugs))\n", |
" dest = torch.cat((dest, diseases))\n", |
"\n", |
" loss = compute_loss(out, labels) \n", |
" return out, labels, source, dest, loss.cpu().numpy()" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "markdown", |
"metadata": {}, |
"source": [ |
"### Run" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"def run(config):\n", |
" losses, val_losses = [], []\n", |
" best_val_loss = float('inf')\n", |
" best_epoch = 0\n", |
" \n", |
" train_loader, val_loader = define_loaders(config)\n", |
" GNN, pred, model = define_model(config['dropout'])\n", |
" \n", |
" optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters())\n", |
" scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, \n", |
" T_max=config['epochs'], \n", |
" eta_min=0, \n", |
" last_epoch=-1, \n", |
" verbose=False)\n", |
" \n", |
" for epoch in range(config['epochs']):\n", |
" loss = train(GNN, pred, model, train_loader, optimizer)\n", |
" out, labels, source, dest, val_loss = test(GNN, pred, model, val_loader)\n", |
" write_to_out(f'Epoch: {epoch:02d}, Loss: {loss:.4f}, ValLoss: {val_loss:.4f} \\n')\n", |
" losses.append(loss)\n", |
" val_losses.append(val_loss)\n", |
" plot_losses(losses, val_losses)\n", |
"\n", |
" scheduler.step()\n", |
" \n", |
" torch.save(model.state_dict(), '../out/saved_model.h5')\n", |
" \n", |
" out, labels, source, dest, val_loss = test(GNN, pred, model, val_loader)\n", |
" AUPR(out, labels)\n", |
" AUROC(out, labels)" |
] |
}, |
{ |
"cell_type": "code", |
"execution_count": null, |
"metadata": {}, |
"outputs": [], |
"source": [ |
"run(config)" |
] |
} |
], |
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