Meta Byte Track
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

setup.cfg 615B

  1. [isort]
  2. line_length = 100
  3. multi_line_output = 3
  4. balanced_wrapping = True
  5. known_standard_library = setuptools
  6. known_third_party = tqdm,loguru
  7. known_data_processing = cv2,numpy,scipy,PIL,matplotlib,scikit_image
  8. known_datasets = pycocotools
  9. known_deeplearning = torch,torchvision,caffe2,onnx,apex,timm,thop,torch2trt,tensorrt,openvino,onnxruntime
  10. known_myself = yolox
  11. sections = FUTURE,STDLIB,THIRDPARTY,data_processing,datasets,deeplearning,myself,FIRSTPARTY,LOCALFOLDER
  12. no_lines_before=STDLIB,THIRDPARTY,datasets
  13. default_section = FIRSTPARTY
  14. [flake8]
  15. max-line-length = 100
  16. max-complexity = 18
  17. exclude =