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- # ByteTrack-TensorRT in Python
- ## Install TensorRT Toolkit
- Please follow the [TensorRT Installation Guide](https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/tensorrt/install-guide/index.html) and [torch2trt gitrepo](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/torch2trt) to install TensorRT (Version 7 recommended) and torch2trt.
- ## Convert model
- You can convert the Pytorch model “bytetrack_s_mot17” to TensorRT model by running:
- ```shell
- cd <ByteTrack_HOME>
- python3 tools/trt.py -f exps/example/mot/yolox_s_mix_det.py -c pretrained/bytetrack_s_mot17.pth.tar
- ```
- ## Run TensorRT demo
- You can use the converted model_trt.pth to run TensorRT demo with **130 FPS**:
- ```shell
- cd <ByteTrack_HOME>
- python3 tools/demo_track.py video -f exps/example/mot/yolox_s_mix_det.py --trt --save_result
- ```