123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272 |
- function [ data, dataWithAtt, missing_nodes_mapping ] = RemoveRandomNodes2( data, dataWithAtt, totalAttNum, num_missing_nodes, missing_nodes_mapping, non_neighbors_distance )
- %RemoveRandomNodes Remove num_missing_nodes from data. If some nodes are
- %removed already, provide missing_nodes_mapping
- % Detailed explanation goes here
- %%data_orig = data;
- numAttPerPH = 0;
- % if the mapping is larger than the number of nodes we want to remove, empty
- % it and start a new mapping. This can happen if we finished looping over
- % the number of missing nodes and started a new iteration of an outer loop.
- if size(missing_nodes_mapping,2) > num_missing_nodes
- missing_nodes_mapping = [];
- num_nodes_to_remove = num_missing_nodes;
- else
- num_nodes_to_remove = num_missing_nodes - size(missing_nodes_mapping,2);
- end
- % randomly choose missing nodes
- %missing_nodes = ChooseMissingNodes_old(num_nodes_to_remove, data, missing_nodes_mapping, non_neighbors_distance);
- missing_nodes = ChooseMissingNodes(num_nodes_to_remove, data, dataWithAtt, totalAttNum, numAttPerPH, missing_nodes_mapping);
- %sort the list and create a list of the new nodes that each missing node is mapped to - each link
- %to a missing node is replaced by a link to a new, "UNK" node
- missing_nodes = sort( unique(missing_nodes) , 'descend');
- missing_nodes_mapping = missing_nodes;
- %replace each link to a missing node with a link to a new node
- %find all missing node neighbors
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = zeros(1, size(data,2));
- for curr_nissing_node = missing_nodes
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = missing_nodes_all_neighbors | data(curr_nissing_node,:);
- end
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = find(missing_nodes_all_neighbors);
- %for each node in missing_nodes_all_neighbors add edges to placeholder
- for i = missing_nodes_all_neighbors
- neighbors = find(data(i,:));
- missing_neighbors = intersect(neighbors, missing_nodes);
- missing_neighbors = sort(missing_neighbors, 'descend');
- for curr_missing_neighbor = missing_neighbors
- if data(i,curr_missing_neighbor) == 1
- % append col & row for the placeholder
- data = ExpandDataByOne(data, curr_missing_neighbor, i, non_neighbors_distance, 0, 0);
- dataWithAtt = ExpandDataByOne(dataWithAtt, curr_missing_neighbor, i, non_neighbors_distance, totalAttNum, numAttPerPH);
- %add the new UNK node to the missing nodes mapping j is the index of the missing node
- %look for the first zero in column j of the missing nodes mapping and put the new node
- %index there
- added_node = 0;
- %add it in the first position which equals zero
- j = find(missing_nodes == curr_missing_neighbor, 1);
- for k = 1 : size(missing_nodes_mapping,1)
- if missing_nodes_mapping(k, j) == 0
- %if we start with 1000 nodes, and we have 5 missing nodes, after
- %adding one node at this point, the size of the graph is 1001. 5 nodes
- %will be removed so the correct index of the new node will be 1001 - 5 = 996.
- %The next one is 997 and so on.
- missing_nodes_mapping(k, j) = size(data,1) - num_missing_nodes;
- added_node = 1;
- break;
- end
- end
- %if all the column is non-zero, add a new row and put it there
- if added_node == 0
- missing_nodes_mapping = [missing_nodes_mapping; zeros(1, size(missing_nodes_mapping,2))];
- missing_nodes_mapping(size(missing_nodes_mapping,1), j) = size(data,1) - num_missing_nodes;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- %remove the missing nodes from the matrix (missing nodes MUST be sorted in descending order!!
- %so that removing one does not affect the index of the others)
- for j = 1:size(missing_nodes,2)
- missing_node_idx = missing_nodes(j);
- %remove column
- data(:, missing_node_idx) = [];
- dataWithAtt(:, missing_node_idx+totalAttNum) = [];
- %remove row
- data(missing_node_idx, :) = [];
- dataWithAtt(missing_node_idx+totalAttNum, :) = [];
- end
- % debug = 1;
- % if debug == 1
- % for i=graph_size+1-size(missing_nodes,2):size(data,2)
- % neighbor = find(data(i,:), 1);
- % if size(neighbor,2) == 0
- % fprintf('RemoveRandomNodes2-debug: node %d has no neighbors\n', i);
- % end
- % end
- % end
- end %function
- %sigal - move old implementation to function
- function [missing_nodes] = ChooseMissingNodes(num_nodes_to_remove, data, dataWithAtt, totalAttNum, numAttPerPH, missing_nodes_mapping)
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = zeros(1, size(data,2));
- %randomize a list of nodes to remove and sort it
- if size(missing_nodes_mapping,1)> 0
- missing_nodes = sort(missing_nodes_mapping(1,:) , 'descend');
- %find all missing node neighbors
- for curr_missing_node = missing_nodes
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = missing_nodes_all_neighbors | data(curr_missing_node,:);
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors(1,curr_missing_node)=1;
- end
- else
- missing_nodes = [];
- end
- % outlier1 - nodes with only one edge
- numEdges = sum(data,1);
- invalidNodes1a = (numEdges==1); %%numEdges<3); %%(numEdges==1);
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors(1,invalidNodes1a) = 1;
- invalidNodes1b = (numEdges>25); %%(numEdges==1);
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors(1,invalidNodes1b) = 1;
- % outlier2 - nodes with less than numAttPerPH attributes
- numAttr = sum(dataWithAtt(totalAttNum+1:end,1:totalAttNum),2)';
- invalidNodes2 = (numAttr<numAttPerPH);
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors(1,invalidNodes2) = 1;
- % outlier statistics
- count = nnz(invalidNodes1a|invalidNodes1b|invalidNodes2);
- if count*1.5 > size(data,2)
- fprintf('RemoveRandomNodes2: too many outliers nodes %d.\n',count);
- end
- for i=1:num_nodes_to_remove
- valid_nodes = find(missing_nodes_all_neighbors~=1);
- inx = ceil(rand(1)*size(valid_nodes,2));
- node = valid_nodes(inx);
- % add selected node to missing_nodes list and update the all neighbors list
- missing_nodes = [missing_nodes node];
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors(1,node)=1;
- missing_nodes_all_neighbors = missing_nodes_all_neighbors | data(node,:);
- end
- end %function
- %sigal - move old implementation to function
- function [missing_nodes] = ChooseMissingNodes_old(num_nodes_to_remove, data, missing_nodes_mapping, non_neighbors_distance)
- graph_size = size(data,1);
- maxRetries = 10;
- %randomize a list of nodes to remove and sort it
- if size(missing_nodes_mapping,1) == 0
- missing_nodes = sort(ceil(rand(1,num_nodes_to_remove).*graph_size), 'descend');
- else
- missing_nodes = sort( [missing_nodes_mapping(1,:) ceil(rand(1,num_nodes_to_remove).*graph_size)] , 'descend');
- end
- %check if there are doubles in the list
- sizeDiff = size(missing_nodes,2) - size(unique(missing_nodes),2);
- while sizeDiff > 0
- %selecting new nodes randomly until we have enough
- missing_nodes = sort( [unique(missing_nodes) ceil(rand(1,sizeDiff).*graph_size)] , 'descend');
- sizeDiff = size(missing_nodes,2) - size(unique(missing_nodes),2);
- end
- %check if we selected one of the nodes which is an outlier, i.e. not connected to any other node
- %check if the nodes has no neighbors after we remove the sleceted nodes
- % initialize prev_missing_nodes
- if size(missing_nodes_mapping,1) > 0
- prev_missing_nodes = missing_nodes_mapping(1,:);
- else
- prev_missing_nodes = [];
- end
- % make sure missing_nodes have their neighbors
- tryNo = 0;
- while tryNo<maxRetries && ReplaceNodesNeighbors(data, prev_missing_nodes, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance)
- tryNo = tryNo+1;
- if tryNo == maxRetries
- fprintf('RemoveRandomNodes2: last try %d to ReplaceNodesWithNoNeighbors...\n',tryNo);
- end
- end
- end %function
- % sigal - append col & row for the placeholder
- function [data] = ExpandDataByOne(data, orgNode, friend, non_neighbors_distance, totalAttNum, numAttPerPH)
- if totalAttNum>0 && numAttPerPH>0
- attIndices = find(data(orgNode+totalAttNum, 1:totalAttNum)==1);
- while size(attIndices,2) > numAttPerPH
- inx = ceil(rand(1)*size(attIndices,2));
- attIndices(:,inx) = [];
- end
- else
- attIndices=[];
- end
- new_col = ones(size(data, 1), 1) * non_neighbors_distance;
- new_col(friend+totalAttNum) = 1;
- for i=1:size(attIndices,2)
- new_col(i)=1;
- end
- data = [data new_col];
- new_row = ones(1,size(data, 2)) * non_neighbors_distance;
- new_row(friend+totalAttNum) = 1;
- for i=1:size(attIndices,2)
- new_row(i)=1;
- end
- data = [data; new_row];
- data(size(data, 1), size(data,2)) = 0;
- end
- % sigal - choose another node and make sure it has neighbors after the removal
- function [node] = ChooseNewMissingNode(data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance)
- graph_size = size(data,1);
- invalidNode = 1;
- tryNo = 0;
- maxTries = min([graph_size/100, 50]);
- while invalidNode == 1 && tryNo<maxTries;
- node = ceil(rand(1)*graph_size);
- invalidNode = InavlidNode(node, data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance);
- tryNo = tryNo+1;
- end
- end
- % sigal - check if we remove one of the neighbors of the selected node
- function [tf] = HasRemovedNeighbors(node, data, missing_nodes)
- friends = find(data(node,:)==1);
- rm_friends = intersect(friends ,missing_nodes);
- tf = (size(rm_friends,2)>0);
- end
- % sigal - check if we this is an invalid node
- function [tf] = InavlidNode(node, data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance)
- maxEdges = max(2*nnz(data)/size(data,2), 10);
- hasNoNeighbors = sum(data(node,:))-data(node,node)==non_neighbors_distance*(size(data,2)-1);
- hasRemovedNeighbors = HasRemovedNeighbors(node, data, missing_nodes);
- duplicate = ismember(node, missing_nodes);
- tooManyEdges = size(find(data(node,:)==1),2) >maxEdges;
- tf = hasNoNeighbors || duplicate || hasRemovedNeighbors || tooManyEdges;
- end
- % sigal - try to replace selected nodes to insure the PH will have a neighbor
- function [tf] = ReplaceNodesNeighbors(data, prev_missing_nodes, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance)
- tf = 0;
- % make sure the prev selected nodes still have their neighbors
- if size(prev_missing_nodes,2) > 0
- for i = 1:size(missing_nodes,2)
- node = missing_nodes(i);
- if ismember(node, prev_missing_nodes) && HasRemovedNeighbors(node, data, missing_nodes)
- % try to replace one of the other nodes
- for j = 1:size(missing_nodes,2)
- if ismember(missing_nodes(j), prev_missing_nodes)==0 && data(node,missing_nodes(j))==1
- %fprintf('RemoveRandomNodes2-prevNode: try to replace outlier %d...\n',j);
- missing_nodes(j) = ChooseNewMissingNode(data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance);
- tf=1;
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- % make sure the latest selected nodes still have their neighbors
- for i = 1:size(missing_nodes,2);
- node = missing_nodes(i);
- % skip prev_missing_nodes
- if ismember(node, prev_missing_nodes)
- continue;
- end
- if InavlidNode(node, data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance)
- missing_nodes(i) = ChooseNewMissingNode(data, missing_nodes, non_neighbors_distance);
- %fprintf('RemoveRandomNodes2-newNode: try to replace outlier %d...\n',i);
- tf=1;
- end
- end
- end