function [ affinity ] = CalculateAffinityByAdamicAdar_S3( data, actual_graph_size, num_missing_nodes, num_attr_nodes, attWeight, connectPHsToNeighbors, addMissingAtt) %UNTITLED2 adamic/adar(i,j) = sum( 1 / log(num_neighbors(k) | k is a %neighbor of both i and j % Detailed explanation goes here fprintf('CalculateAffinityByAdamicAdar_Sparse: NNZ(data) = %d\n', nnz(data)); %n = size(data,1); %diag_indices = 1:n+1:n*n; %data(diag_indices) = 1; %we consider each node as a neighbor of itself to obtain higher connectivity in the affinity matrix - i.e. each node will have a positive affinity to all its neighbors if connectPHsToNeighbors > 0 data = ConnectMissingNodesToNeighborsNeighbors(data, actual_graph_size, num_missing_nodes, num_attr_nodes, addMissingAtt); end affinity = sparse(size(data,1), size(data,2)); % Sigal 5.3.13: normalizeWeight % make sure that ratio att/link is same w/1-w if attWeight < 1 && attWeight >= 0 normalizeWeight = attWeight/(1-attWeight); else normalizeWeight = 1; end numNodes = size(data,1); for k = 1 :numNodes %find all the neighbors of k neighbors_k_vec = data(k,:); neighbors_k_vec(k) = 1;%we consider each node as a neighbor of itself to obtain higher connectivity in the affinity matrix - i.e. each node will have a positive affinity to all its neighbors neighbors_k = find(neighbors_k_vec); num_neighbors_k = size(neighbors_k, 2); %sigal - 17.12.12 - find # social neighbors of k %sigal - update 23.3.13 if num_attr_nodes>0 neighbors_k_vec_social = data(k,:); neighbors_k_att = find(neighbors_k_vec_social(1:num_attr_nodes)); neighbors_k_vec_social(1:num_attr_nodes)=0; neighbors_k_vec_social(k) = 1; %neighbors_k_social2 = find(neighbors_k_vec_social); %% temp !!! neighbors_k_social = num_attr_nodes+find(neighbors_k_vec_social(1+num_attr_nodes:end)); num_neighbors_k_social = size(neighbors_k_social, 2); else num_neighbors_k_social = num_neighbors_k; end if num_neighbors_k_social > 1 && num_neighbors_k > 1 if k>num_attr_nodes w = 1; else w = normalizeWeight; end inv_log_num_neighbors_k = w / log(num_neighbors_k); inv_log_num_neighbors_k_social = w / log(num_neighbors_k_social); if num_attr_nodes==0 affinity(neighbors_k,neighbors_k) = affinity(neighbors_k,neighbors_k)+ inv_log_num_neighbors_k_social; else affinity(neighbors_k_social,neighbors_k_social) = affinity(neighbors_k_social,neighbors_k_social)+ inv_log_num_neighbors_k_social; if k>num_attr_nodes affinity(neighbors_k_att,neighbors_k_social) = affinity(neighbors_k_att,neighbors_k_social) + inv_log_num_neighbors_k; affinity(neighbors_k_social,neighbors_k_att) = affinity(neighbors_k_social,neighbors_k_att) + inv_log_num_neighbors_k; affinity(neighbors_k_att,neighbors_k_att) = affinity(neighbors_k_att,neighbors_k_att) + inv_log_num_neighbors_k; end end end end %normalize the matrix %affinity = affinity ./ max(max(affinity)); %sigal 29.10.13 - normolize by diagonal min v = diag(affinity); max_val = min(v); %max_val = max(max(affinity)); affinity = affinity ./ max_val; for i = 1 : size(affinity,1) affinity(i,i) = 1; end %sigal 29.10.13 - end %filter low values % thIn = 0.15; % thFactor = 100; %% 50*normalizeWeight % if num_attr_nodes>0 % threshold = thIn/thFactor; % ind = affinity