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  1. import numpy as np
  2. import scipy.optimize
  3. import torch
  4. import torch.nn as nn
  5. from torch.autograd import Variable
  6. from torch import optim
  7. import torch.nn.functional as F
  8. import torch.nn.init as init
  9. import networkx as nx
  10. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  11. import model
  12. import baselines.graphvae.diffpoolClassesAndFunctions as diffpool
  13. from model import sample_sigmoid
  14. from baselines.graphvae import args
  15. from random import random
  16. def graph_show(G, title, colors):
  17. pos = nx.spring_layout(G, scale=2)
  18. nx.draw(G, pos, node_color=colors)
  19. fig = plt.gcf()
  20. fig.canvas.set_window_title(title)
  22. plt.savefig('foo.png')
  23. class GraphConv(nn.Module):
  24. def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, add_self=False, normalize_embedding=False,
  25. dropout=0.0, bias=True):
  26. super(GraphConv, self).__init__()
  27. self.add_self = add_self
  28. self.dropout = dropout
  29. if dropout > 0.001:
  30. self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
  31. self.normalize_embedding = normalize_embedding
  32. self.input_dim = input_dim
  33. self.output_dim = output_dim
  34. self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(input_dim, output_dim).cuda())
  35. if bias:
  36. self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(output_dim).cuda())
  37. else:
  38. self.bias = None
  39. def forward(self, x, adj):
  40. if self.dropout > 0.001:
  41. x = self.dropout_layer(x)
  42. y = torch.matmul(adj, x)
  43. if self.add_self:
  44. y += x
  45. y = torch.matmul(y, self.weight)
  46. if self.bias is not None:
  47. y = y + self.bias
  48. if self.normalize_embedding:
  49. y = F.normalize(y, p=2, dim=2)
  50. # print(y[0][0])
  51. return y
  52. class InnerProductDecoder(nn.Module):
  53. """Decoder for using inner product for prediction."""
  54. def __init__(self, dropout, act=torch.sigmoid):
  55. super(InnerProductDecoder, self).__init__()
  56. self.dropout = dropout
  57. self.act = act
  58. def forward(self, z):
  59. batch_size = z.size()[0]
  60. adj_size = z.size()[1]
  61. z = F.dropout(z, self.dropout,
  62. adj = torch.zeros(batch_size, adj_size, adj_size)
  63. for i in range(batch_size):
  64. adj[i] = self.act([i], z[i].t()))
  65. return adj
  66. class GraphVAE(nn.Module):
  67. def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, latent_dim, max_num_nodes, vae_args, pool='sum'):
  68. '''
  69. Args:
  70. input_dim: input feature dimension for node.
  71. hidden_dim: hidden dim for 2-layer gcn.
  72. latent_dim: dimension of the latent representation of graph.
  73. '''
  74. self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
  75. self.vae_args = vae_args
  76. super(GraphVAE, self).__init__()
  77. self.conv1 = model.GraphConv(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=32)
  78. self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(input_dim)
  79. self.conv2 = model.GraphConv(input_dim=32, output_dim=hidden_dim)
  80. self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(input_dim)
  81. self.act = nn.ReLU()
  82. self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim * hidden_dim, 128)
  83. self.dropout = 0
  84. self.dc = InnerProductDecoder(self.dropout, act=lambda x: x)
  85. self.embedding_dim = 5
  86. self.label_dim = 2
  87. self.num_layers = 3
  88. self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph = diffpool.GcnEncoderGraph(input_dim, 5, self.embedding_dim, self.label_dim,
  89. self.num_layers).cuda()
  90. if vae_args.completion_mode_small_parameter_size:
  91. output_dim = vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes * max_num_nodes - \
  92. (vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes * vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes -
  93. (vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes * (vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes + 1) // 2))
  94. self.number_of_incomplete_nodes = max_num_nodes - vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes
  95. self.output_dim = output_dim
  96. elif vae_args.GRAN_linear:
  97. output_dim = max_num_nodes - 1
  98. else:
  99. output_dim = max_num_nodes * (max_num_nodes + 1) // 2
  100. # self.vae = model.MLP_VAE_plain(hidden_dim, latent_dim, output_dim)
  101. if self.vae_args.graph_pooling_mode:
  102. self.vae = model.MLP_VAE_plain(hidden_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim)
  103. else:
  104. self.vae = model.MLP_VAE_plain(input_dim * hidden_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim)
  105. # self.feature_mlp = model.MLP_plain(latent_dim, latent_dim, output_dim)
  106. self.max_num_nodes = max_num_nodes
  107. self.gran = model.GRAN(self.max_num_nodes)
  108. for m in self.modules():
  109. if isinstance(m, model.GraphConv):
  110. = init.xavier_uniform(, gain=nn.init.calculate_gain('relu'))
  111. elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm1d):
  114. self.pool = pool
  115. #############################################################
  116. = True
  117. self.num_layers = 3
  118. self.num_aggs = 1
  119. self.bias = True
  120. in_dim = input_dim
  121. hidden_dim1 = 20
  122. embedding_dim1 = 20
  123. self.conv_first, self.conv_block, self.conv_last = self.build_conv_layers(
  124. in_dim, hidden_dim1, embedding_dim1, self.num_layers,
  125. False, normalize=True, dropout=0.0)
  126. #############################################################
  127. def recover_adj_lower(self, l):
  128. # NOTE: Assumes 1 per minibatch
  129. batch_size = l.size()[0]
  130. adj = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  131. adj[:, torch.triu(torch.ones(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) == 1] = l
  132. return adj
  133. def recover_full_adj_from_lower(self, lower):
  134. batch_size = lower.size()[0]
  135. diag = torch.zeros(batch_size, lower.size()[1], lower.size()[1])
  136. transpose = torch.zeros(batch_size, lower.size()[1], lower.size()[1])
  137. i = 0
  138. for mat in lower:
  139. diag[i, :, :] = torch.diag(torch.diag(mat))
  140. transpose[i, :, :] = torch.transpose(mat, 0, 1)
  141. i += 1
  142. # diag = torch.diag(torch.diag(lower, 0))
  143. return lower + transpose - diag
  144. def edge_similarity_matrix(self, adj, adj_recon, matching_features,
  145. matching_features_recon, sim_func):
  146. S = torch.zeros(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes,
  147. self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  148. for i in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  149. for j in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  150. if i == j:
  151. for a in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  152. S[i, i, a, a] = adj[i, i] * adj_recon[a, a] * \
  153. sim_func(matching_features[i], matching_features_recon[a])
  154. # with feature not implemented
  155. # if input_features is not None:
  156. else:
  157. for a in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  158. for b in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  159. if b == a:
  160. continue
  161. S[i, j, a, b] = adj[i, j] * adj[i, i] * adj[j, j] * \
  162. adj_recon[a, b] * adj_recon[a, a] * adj_recon[b, b]
  163. return S
  164. def mpm(self, x_init, S, max_iters=50):
  165. x = x_init
  166. for it in range(max_iters):
  167. x_new = torch.zeros(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  168. for i in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  169. for a in range(self.max_num_nodes):
  170. x_new[i, a] = x[i, a] * S[i, i, a, a]
  171. pooled = [torch.max(x[j, :] * S[i, j, a, :])
  172. for j in range(self.max_num_nodes) if j != i]
  173. neigh_sim = sum(pooled)
  174. x_new[i, a] += neigh_sim
  175. norm = torch.norm(x_new)
  176. x = x_new / norm
  177. return x
  178. def deg_feature_similarity(self, f1, f2):
  179. return 1 / (abs(f1 - f2) + 1)
  180. def permute_adj(self, adj, curr_ind, target_ind):
  181. ''' Permute adjacency matrix.
  182. The target_ind (connectivity) should be permuted to the curr_ind position.
  183. '''
  184. # order curr_ind according to target ind
  185. ind = np.zeros(self.max_num_nodes,
  186. ind[target_ind] = curr_ind
  187. adj_permuted = torch.zeros((self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes))
  188. adj_permuted[:, :] = adj[ind, :]
  189. adj_permuted[:, :] = adj_permuted[:, ind]
  190. return adj_permuted
  191. def pool_graph(self, x):
  192. if self.pool == 'max':
  193. out, _ = torch.max(x, dim=1, keepdim=False)
  194. elif self.pool == 'sum':
  195. out = torch.sum(x, dim=1, keepdim=False)
  196. return out
  197. def apply_bn(self, x):
  198. ''' Batch normalization of 3D tensor x
  199. '''
  200. bn_module = nn.BatchNorm1d(x.size()[1]).cuda()
  201. return bn_module(x)
  202. def build_conv_layers(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, embedding_dim, num_layers, add_self,
  203. normalize=False, dropout=0.0):
  204. conv_first = GraphConv(input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim, add_self=add_self,
  205. normalize_embedding=normalize, bias=self.bias)
  206. conv_block = nn.ModuleList(
  207. [GraphConv(input_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=hidden_dim, add_self=add_self,
  208. normalize_embedding=normalize, dropout=dropout, bias=self.bias)
  209. for i in range(num_layers - 2)])
  210. conv_last = GraphConv(input_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=embedding_dim, add_self=add_self,
  211. normalize_embedding=normalize, bias=self.bias)
  212. return conv_first, conv_block, conv_last
  213. def forward(self, input_features, adj, batch_num_nodes):
  214. # embedding_mask = self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph.construct_mask(self.max_num_nodes, batch_num_nodes)
  215. numpy_adj = adj.cpu().numpy()
  216. # print("**** numpy_adj")
  217. # print(numpy_adj)
  218. if self.vae_args.completion_mode_small_parameter_size:
  219. incomplete_adj = torch.tensor(
  220. numpy_adj[:, :self.number_of_incomplete_nodes, :self.number_of_incomplete_nodes],
  221. device='cuda:0')
  222. input_features = torch.tensor(
  223. input_features[:, :self.number_of_incomplete_nodes, :self.number_of_incomplete_nodes],
  224. device='cuda:0')
  225. elif self.vae_args.GRAN:
  226. batch_size = numpy_adj.shape[0]
  227. gran_lable = np.zeros((batch_size, self.max_num_nodes - 1))
  228. random_index_list = []
  229. # print("*** numpy_adj before change")
  230. # print(numpy_adj)
  231. for i in range(batch_size):
  232. num_nodes = batch_num_nodes[i]
  233. if self.vae_args.GRAN_arbitrary_node:
  234. random_index_list.append(np.random.randint(num_nodes))
  235. gran_lable[i, :random_index_list[i]] = \
  236. numpy_adj[i, :random_index_list[i], random_index_list[i]]
  237. gran_lable[i, random_index_list[i]:num_nodes-1] = \
  238. numpy_adj[i, random_index_list[i]+1:num_nodes, random_index_list[i]]
  239. numpy_adj[i, :num_nodes, random_index_list[i]] = 1
  240. numpy_adj[i, random_index_list[i], :num_nodes] = 1
  241. # print("*** random_index_list")
  242. # print(random_index_list)
  243. # print("*** gran_lable")
  244. # print(gran_lable)
  245. # print("*** numpy_adj")
  246. # print(numpy_adj)
  247. else:
  248. gran_lable[i, :num_nodes - 1] = numpy_adj[i, :num_nodes - 1, num_nodes - 1]
  249. numpy_adj[i, :num_nodes, num_nodes - 1] = 1
  250. numpy_adj[i, num_nodes - 1, :num_nodes] = 1
  251. gran_lable = torch.tensor(gran_lable).float()
  252. incomplete_adj = torch.tensor(numpy_adj, device='cuda:0')
  253. # print("*** in model : random_index_list")
  254. # print(random_index_list)
  255. # print("*** random_index_list")
  256. # print(random_index_list)
  257. # print("*** gran_lable")
  258. # print(gran_lable)
  259. # print("*** numpy_adj after change")
  260. # print(numpy_adj)
  261. else:
  262. index_list = []
  263. for i in range(self.vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes):
  264. random_index = np.random.randint(self.max_num_nodes)
  265. while random_index in index_list:
  266. random_index = np.random.randint(self.max_num_nodes)
  267. index_list.append(random_index)
  268. numpy_adj[:, :, random_index] = 0
  269. numpy_adj[:, random_index, :] = 0
  270. incomplete_adj = torch.tensor(numpy_adj, device='cuda:0')
  271. if self.vae_args.diffpoolGCN:
  272. x = self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph.gcn_forward(input_features, incomplete_adj,
  273. self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph.conv_first,
  274. self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph.conv_block,
  275. self.DiffpoolGcnEncoderGraph.conv_last)
  276. else:
  277. ################################################################### embedding
  278. x = self.conv1(input_features, incomplete_adj)
  279. x = self.act(x)
  280. x = self.bn1(x)
  281. x = self.conv2(x, incomplete_adj)
  282. # x = self.bn2(x)
  283. # x = self.act(x)
  284. if (self.vae_args.GRAN):
  285. # x = self.conv_first(input_features, incomplete_adj)
  286. # x = self.act(x)
  287. # if
  288. # x = self.apply_bn(x)
  289. # out_all = []
  290. # out, _ = torch.max(x, dim=1)
  291. # out_all.append(out)
  292. # for i in range(self.num_layers - 2):
  293. # x = self.conv_block[i](x, adj)
  294. # x = self.act(x)
  295. # if
  296. # x = self.apply_bn(x)
  297. # out, _ = torch.max(x, dim=1)
  298. # out_all.append(out)
  299. # if self.num_aggs == 2:
  300. # out = torch.sum(x, dim=1)
  301. # out_all.append(out)
  302. # x = self.conv_last(x, adj)
  303. ################################################################### end of embedding
  304. if self.vae_args.GRAN_linear:
  305. x = x.view(-1, self.max_num_nodes * self.hidden_dim)
  306. h_decode, z_mu, z_lsgms = self.vae(x)
  307. pos_weight = torch.ones(batch_size)
  308. for i in range(batch_size):
  309. # / adj[i].shape[0]
  310. pos_weight[i] = torch.Tensor(
  311. [1 * float(adj[i].shape[0] * adj[i].shape[0] - adj[i].sum()) / adj[i].sum()])
  312. pos_weight = pos_weight.unsqueeze(1)
  313. return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(h_decode.cpu(), gran_lable,
  314. pos_weight=pos_weight)
  315. else:
  316. pos_weight = torch.ones(batch_size)
  317. for i in range(batch_size):
  318. # / adj[i].shape[0]
  319. pos_weight[i] = torch.Tensor(
  320. [float(adj[i].shape[0] * adj[i].shape[0] - adj[i].sum()) / adj[i].sum()])
  321. pos_weight = pos_weight.unsqueeze(1)
  322. # print("************************")
  323. # print(pos_weight.size())
  324. # print(self.gran(x, batch_num_nodes).squeeze().cpu().size())
  325. # print(gran_lable.size())
  326. # print("***** in model *****")
  327. # print("*** model result : ")
  328. # print(self.gran(x, batch_num_nodes, random_index_list, self.vae_args.GRAN_arbitrary_node).squeeze().cpu())
  329. # print("***** gran_lable")
  330. # print(gran_lable)
  331. return F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
  332. self.gran(x, batch_num_nodes, random_index_list, self.vae_args.GRAN_arbitrary_node).squeeze().cpu(), gran_lable,
  333. pos_weight=pos_weight)
  334. if self.vae_args.reconstruction:
  335. loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.dc(x), incomplete_adj.cpu())
  336. return loss
  337. if self.vae_args.completion_mode_small_parameter_size:
  338. x = x.view(-1, self.number_of_incomplete_nodes * self.hidden_dim)
  339. else:
  340. if self.vae_args.graph_pooling_mode:
  341. x = self.pool_graph(x)
  342. else:
  343. x = x.view(-1, self.max_num_nodes * self.hidden_dim)
  344. # vae
  345. h_decode, z_mu, z_lsgms = self.vae(x)
  346. out = F.sigmoid(h_decode)
  347. out_tensor = out.cpu().data
  348. if self.vae_args.graph_matching_mode:
  349. recon_adj_lower = self.recover_adj_lower(out_tensor)
  350. recon_adj_tensor = self.recover_full_adj_from_lower(recon_adj_lower)
  351. out_features = torch.sum(recon_adj_tensor, 1)
  352. adj_data = adj.cpu().data
  353. adj_features = torch.sum(adj_data, 1)
  354. batch_size = adj_data.size(0)
  355. adj_permuted = torch.zeros(adj_data.size(0), adj_data.size(1), adj_data.size(2))
  356. for i in range(batch_size):
  357. S = self.edge_similarity_matrix(adj_data[i].squeeze(), recon_adj_tensor[i].squeeze(),
  358. adj_features[i].squeeze(), out_features[i].squeeze(),
  359. self.deg_feature_similarity)
  360. # initialization strategies
  361. init_corr = 1 / self.max_num_nodes
  362. init_assignment = torch.ones(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes) * init_corr
  363. assignment = self.mpm(init_assignment, S)
  364. # matching
  365. # use negative of the assignment score since the alg finds min cost flow
  366. row_ind, col_ind = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(-assignment.numpy())
  367. # order row index according to col index
  368. adj_permuted[i] = self.permute_adj(adj_data[i].squeeze(), row_ind, col_ind)
  369. adj_permuted[i] = adj_permuted[i].unsqueeze(0)
  370. else:
  371. adj_data = adj.cpu().data
  372. adj_permuted = adj_data
  373. if self.vae_args.completion_mode_small_parameter_size:
  374. adj_vectorized = torch.zeros(out.size())
  375. adj_vectorized_index = 0
  376. for i in range(self.vae_args.number_of_missing_nodes): # iterates over columns
  377. for j in range(self.max_num_nodes - i):
  378. adj_vectorized[:, adj_vectorized_index] = adj_permuted[:, self.max_num_nodes - j - i - 1,
  379. self.max_num_nodes - i - 1]
  380. adj_vectorized_index += 1
  381. else:
  382. adj_vectorized = adj_permuted[:, torch.triu(torch.ones(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) == 1]
  383. adj_vectorized_var = Variable(adj_vectorized).cuda()
  384. adj_recon_loss = self.adj_recon_loss(adj_vectorized_var, out)
  385. # x2 = h_decode[0].unsqueeze(0)
  386. # x3 = x2.unsqueeze(0)
  387. # sample = sample_sigmoid(x3, sample=True, sample_time=1)
  388. # y = torch.zeros(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  389. # y[torch.triu(torch.ones(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) == 1] =
  390. loss_kl = -0.5 * torch.sum(1 + z_lsgms - z_mu.pow(2) - z_lsgms.exp())
  391. loss_kl /= self.max_num_nodes * self.max_num_nodes # normalize
  392. print('kl: ', loss_kl)
  393. loss = adj_recon_loss
  394. return loss
  395. def forward_test(self, input_features, adj):
  396. self.max_num_nodes = 4
  397. adj_data = torch.zeros(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  398. adj_data[:4, :4] = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]])
  399. adj_features = torch.Tensor([2, 3, 3, 2])
  400. adj_data1 = torch.zeros(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)
  401. adj_data1 = torch.FloatTensor([[1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]])
  402. adj_features1 = torch.Tensor([3, 3, 2, 2])
  403. S = self.edge_similarity_matrix(adj_data, adj_data1, adj_features, adj_features1,
  404. self.deg_feature_similarity)
  405. # initialization strategies
  406. init_corr = 1 / self.max_num_nodes
  407. init_assignment = torch.ones(self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes) * init_corr
  408. # init_assignment = torch.FloatTensor(4, 4)
  409. # init.uniform(init_assignment)
  410. assignment = self.mpm(init_assignment, S)
  411. # print('Assignment: ', assignment)
  412. # matching
  413. row_ind, col_ind = scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment(-assignment.numpy())
  414. # print('row: ', row_ind)
  415. # print('col: ', col_ind)
  416. permuted_adj = self.permute_adj(adj_data, row_ind, col_ind)
  417. # print('permuted: ', permuted_adj)
  418. adj_recon_loss = self.adj_recon_loss(permuted_adj, adj_data1)
  419. # print(adj_data1)
  420. # print('diff: ', adj_recon_loss)
  421. def adj_recon_loss(self, adj_truth, adj_pred):
  422. return F.binary_cross_entropy(adj_pred, adj_truth)