# an implementation for "Learning Deep Generative Models of Graphs" from baselines.graphvae.util import load_data from main import * from statistics import mean import networkx as nx import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, average_precision_score class Args_DGMG(): def __init__(self): ### CUDA self.cuda = 0 ### model type self.note = 'Baseline_DGMG' # do GCN after adding each edge # self.note = 'Baseline_DGMG_fast' # do GCN only after adding each node ### data config # self.graph_type = 'caveman_small' # self.graph_type = 'grid_small' self.graph_type = 'IMDBMULTI' # self.graph_type = 'ladder_small' # self.graph_type = 'enzymes_small' # self.graph_type = 'barabasi_small' # self.graph_type = 'citeseer_small' self.max_num_node = 20 ### network config self.node_embedding_size = 64 self.test_graph_num = 200 ### training config self.epochs = 2000 # now one epoch means self.batch_ratio x batch_size self.load_epoch = 2000 self.epochs_test_start = 100 self.epochs_test = 100 self.epochs_log = 2 self.epochs_save = 100 if 'fast' in self.note: self.is_fast = True else: self.is_fast = False self.lr = 0.001 self.milestones = [300, 600, 1000] self.lr_rate = 0.3 ### output config self.model_save_path = 'model_save/' self.graph_save_path = 'graphs/' self.figure_save_path = 'figures/' self.timing_save_path = 'timing/' self.figure_prediction_save_path = 'figures_prediction/' self.nll_save_path = 'nll/' self.fname = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.node_embedding_size) self.fname_pred = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.node_embedding_size) + '_pred_' self.fname_train = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.node_embedding_size) + '_train_' self.fname_test = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.node_embedding_size) + '_test_' self.load = False self.save = True def train_DGMG_epoch(epoch, args, model, dataset, optimizer, scheduler, is_fast=False): model.train() graph_num = len(dataset) order = list(range(graph_num)) shuffle(order) loss_addnode = 0 loss_addedge = 0 loss_node = 0 for i in order: model.zero_grad() graph = dataset[i] # do random ordering: relabel nodes node_order = list(range(graph.number_of_nodes())) shuffle(node_order) order_mapping = dict(zip(graph.nodes(), node_order)) graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, order_mapping, copy=True) # NOTE: when starting loop, we assume a node has already been generated node_count = 1 node_embedding = [ Variable(torch.ones(1, args.node_embedding_size)).cuda()] # list of torch tensors, each size: 1*hidden loss = 0 while node_count <= graph.number_of_nodes(): node_neighbor = graph.subgraph( list(range(node_count))).adjacency_list() # list of lists (first node is zero) node_neighbor_new = graph.subgraph(list(range(node_count + 1))).adjacency_list()[ -1] # list of new node's neighbors # 1 message passing # do 2 times message passing node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) # 2 graph embedding and new node embedding node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) init_embedding = calc_init_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 3 f_addnode p_addnode = model.f_an(graph_embedding) if node_count < graph.number_of_nodes(): # add node node_neighbor.append([]) node_embedding.append(init_embedding) if is_fast: node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) # calc loss loss_addnode_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addnode, Variable(torch.ones((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addnode_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addnode_step loss_addnode += loss_addnode_step.data else: # calc loss loss_addnode_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addnode, Variable(torch.zeros((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addnode_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addnode_step loss_addnode += loss_addnode_step.data break edge_count = 0 while edge_count <= len(node_neighbor_new): if not is_fast: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 4 f_addedge p_addedge = model.f_ae(graph_embedding) if edge_count < len(node_neighbor_new): # calc loss loss_addedge_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addedge, Variable(torch.ones((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addedge_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addedge_step loss_addedge += loss_addedge_step.data # 5 f_nodes # excluding the last node (which is the new node) node_new_embedding_cat = node_embedding_cat[-1, :].expand(node_embedding_cat.size(0) - 1, node_embedding_cat.size(1)) s_node = model.f_s(torch.cat((node_embedding_cat[0:-1, :], node_new_embedding_cat), dim=1)) p_node = F.softmax(s_node.permute(1, 0)) # get ground truth a_node = torch.zeros((1, p_node.size(1))) # print('node_neighbor_new',node_neighbor_new, edge_count) a_node[0, node_neighbor_new[edge_count]] = 1 a_node = Variable(a_node).cuda() # add edge node_neighbor[-1].append(node_neighbor_new[edge_count]) node_neighbor[node_neighbor_new[edge_count]].append(len(node_neighbor) - 1) # calc loss loss_node_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_node, a_node) # loss_node_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_node_step loss_node += loss_node_step.data else: # calc loss loss_addedge_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addedge, Variable(torch.zeros((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addedge_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addedge_step loss_addedge += loss_addedge_step.data break edge_count += 1 node_count += 1 # update deterministic and lstm loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() loss_all = loss_addnode + loss_addedge + loss_node if epoch % args.epochs_log == 0: print('Epoch: {}/{}, train loss: {:.6f}, graph type: {}, hidden: {}'.format( epoch, args.epochs, loss_all.item(), args.graph_type, args.node_embedding_size)) # loss_sum += loss.data[0]*x.size(0) # return loss_sum def train_DGMG_forward_epoch(args, model, dataset, is_fast=False): model.train() graph_num = len(dataset) order = list(range(graph_num)) shuffle(order) loss_addnode = 0 loss_addedge = 0 loss_node = 0 for i in order: model.zero_grad() graph = dataset[i] # do random ordering: relabel nodes node_order = list(range(graph.number_of_nodes())) shuffle(node_order) order_mapping = dict(zip(graph.nodes(), node_order)) graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, order_mapping, copy=True) # NOTE: when starting loop, we assume a node has already been generated node_count = 1 node_embedding = [ Variable(torch.ones(1, args.node_embedding_size)).cuda()] # list of torch tensors, each size: 1*hidden loss = 0 while node_count <= graph.number_of_nodes(): node_neighbor = graph.subgraph( list(range(node_count))).adjacency_list() # list of lists (first node is zero) node_neighbor_new = graph.subgraph(list(range(node_count + 1))).adjacency_list()[ -1] # list of new node's neighbors # 1 message passing # do 2 times message passing node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) # 2 graph embedding and new node embedding node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) init_embedding = calc_init_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 3 f_addnode p_addnode = model.f_an(graph_embedding) if node_count < graph.number_of_nodes(): # add node node_neighbor.append([]) node_embedding.append(init_embedding) if is_fast: node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) # calc loss loss_addnode_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addnode, Variable(torch.ones((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addnode_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addnode_step loss_addnode += loss_addnode_step.data else: # calc loss loss_addnode_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addnode, Variable(torch.zeros((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addnode_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addnode_step loss_addnode += loss_addnode_step.data break edge_count = 0 while edge_count <= len(node_neighbor_new): if not is_fast: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 4 f_addedge p_addedge = model.f_ae(graph_embedding) if edge_count < len(node_neighbor_new): # calc loss loss_addedge_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addedge, Variable(torch.ones((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addedge_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addedge_step loss_addedge += loss_addedge_step.data # 5 f_nodes # excluding the last node (which is the new node) node_new_embedding_cat = node_embedding_cat[-1, :].expand(node_embedding_cat.size(0) - 1, node_embedding_cat.size(1)) s_node = model.f_s(torch.cat((node_embedding_cat[0:-1, :], node_new_embedding_cat), dim=1)) p_node = F.softmax(s_node.permute(1, 0)) # get ground truth a_node = torch.zeros((1, p_node.size(1))) # print('node_neighbor_new',node_neighbor_new, edge_count) a_node[0, node_neighbor_new[edge_count]] = 1 a_node = Variable(a_node).cuda() # add edge node_neighbor[-1].append(node_neighbor_new[edge_count]) node_neighbor[node_neighbor_new[edge_count]].append(len(node_neighbor) - 1) # calc loss loss_node_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_node, a_node) # loss_node_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_node_step loss_node += loss_node_step.data * p_node.size(1) else: # calc loss loss_addedge_step = F.binary_cross_entropy(p_addedge, Variable(torch.zeros((1, 1))).cuda()) # loss_addedge_step.backward(retain_graph=True) loss += loss_addedge_step loss_addedge += loss_addedge_step.data break edge_count += 1 node_count += 1 loss_all = loss_addnode + loss_addedge + loss_node # if epoch % args.epochs_log==0: # print('Epoch: {}/{}, train loss: {:.6f}, graph type: {}, hidden: {}'.format( # epoch, args.epochs,loss_all[0], args.graph_type, args.node_embedding_size)) return loss_all[0] / len(dataset) def test_DGMG_epoch(args, model, is_fast=False): model.eval() graph_num = args.test_graph_num graphs_generated = [] for i in range(graph_num): # NOTE: when starting loop, we assume a node has already been generated node_neighbor = [[]] # list of lists (first node is zero) node_embedding = [ Variable(torch.ones(1, args.node_embedding_size)).cuda()] # list of torch tensors, each size: 1*hidden node_count = 1 while node_count <= args.max_num_node: # 1 message passing # do 2 times message passing node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) # 2 graph embedding and new node embedding node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) init_embedding = calc_init_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 3 f_addnode p_addnode = model.f_an(graph_embedding) a_addnode = sample_tensor(p_addnode) # print(a_addnode.data[0][0]) if a_addnode.data[0][0] == 1: # print('add node') # add node node_neighbor.append([]) node_embedding.append(init_embedding) if is_fast: node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) else: break edge_count = 0 while edge_count < args.max_num_node: if not is_fast: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 4 f_addedge p_addedge = model.f_ae(graph_embedding) a_addedge = sample_tensor(p_addedge) # print(a_addedge.data[0][0]) if a_addedge.data[0][0] == 1: # print('add edge') # 5 f_nodes # excluding the last node (which is the new node) node_new_embedding_cat = node_embedding_cat[-1, :].expand(node_embedding_cat.size(0) - 1, node_embedding_cat.size(1)) s_node = model.f_s(torch.cat((node_embedding_cat[0:-1, :], node_new_embedding_cat), dim=1)) p_node = F.softmax(s_node.permute(1, 0)) a_node = gumbel_softmax(p_node, temperature=0.01) _, a_node_id = a_node.topk(1) a_node_id = int(a_node_id.data[0][0]) # add edge node_neighbor[-1].append(a_node_id) node_neighbor[a_node_id].append(len(node_neighbor) - 1) else: break edge_count += 1 node_count += 1 # save graph node_neighbor_dict = dict(zip(list(range(len(node_neighbor))), node_neighbor)) graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists(node_neighbor_dict) graphs_generated.append(graph) return graphs_generated ########### train function for LSTM + VAE def train_DGMG(args, dataset_train, model): # check if load existing model if args.load: fname = args.model_save_path + args.fname + 'model_' + str(args.load_epoch) + '.dat' model.load_state_dict(torch.load(fname)) args.lr = 0.00001 epoch = args.load_epoch print('model loaded!, lr: {}'.format(args.lr)) else: epoch = 1 # initialize optimizer optimizer = optim.Adam(list(model.parameters()), lr=args.lr) scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=args.milestones, gamma=args.lr_rate) # start main loop time_all = np.zeros(args.epochs) while epoch <= args.epochs: time_start = tm.time() # train train_DGMG_epoch(epoch, args, model, dataset_train, optimizer, scheduler, is_fast=args.is_fast) time_end = tm.time() time_all[epoch - 1] = time_end - time_start # print('time used',time_all[epoch - 1]) # test if epoch % args.epochs_test == 0 and epoch >= args.epochs_test_start: graphs = test_DGMG_epoch(args, model, is_fast=args.is_fast) fname = args.graph_save_path + args.fname_pred + str(epoch) + '.dat' save_graph_list(graphs, fname) # print('test done, graphs saved') # save model checkpoint if args.save: if epoch % args.epochs_save == 0: fname = args.model_save_path + args.fname + 'model_' + str(epoch) + '.dat' torch.save(model.state_dict(), fname) epoch += 1 np.save(args.timing_save_path + args.fname, time_all) ########### train function for LSTM + VAE def train_DGMG_nll(args, dataset_train, dataset_test, model, max_iter=1000): # check if load existing model fname = args.model_save_path + args.fname + 'model_' + str(args.load_epoch) + '.dat' model.load_state_dict(torch.load(fname)) fname_output = args.nll_save_path + args.note + '_' + args.graph_type + '.csv' with open(fname_output, 'w+') as f: f.write('train,test\n') # start main loop for iter in range(max_iter): nll_train = train_DGMG_forward_epoch(args, model, dataset_train, is_fast=args.is_fast) nll_test = train_DGMG_forward_epoch(args, model, dataset_test, is_fast=args.is_fast) print('train', nll_train, 'test', nll_test) f.write(str(nll_train) + ',' + str(nll_test) + '\n') def test_DGMG_2(args, model, test_graph, is_fast=False): model.eval() graph_num = args.test_graph_num graphs_generated = [] # for i in range(graph_num): # NOTE: when starting loop, we assume a node has already been generated node_neighbor = [[]] # list of lists (first node is zero) node_embedding = [ Variable(torch.ones(1, args.node_embedding_size)).cuda()] # list of torch tensors, each size: 1*hidden node_max = len(test_graph.nodes()) node_count = 1 while node_count <= node_max: # 1 message passing # do 2 times message passing node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) # 2 graph embedding and new node embedding node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) init_embedding = calc_init_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 3 f_addnode p_addnode = model.f_an(graph_embedding) a_addnode = sample_tensor(p_addnode) if a_addnode.data[0][0] == 1: # add node node_neighbor.append([]) node_embedding.append(init_embedding) if is_fast: node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) else: break edge_count = 0 while edge_count < args.max_num_node: if not is_fast: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 4 f_addedge p_addedge = model.f_ae(graph_embedding) a_addedge = sample_tensor(p_addedge) if a_addedge.data[0][0] == 1: # 5 f_nodes # excluding the last node (which is the new node) node_new_embedding_cat = node_embedding_cat[-1, :].expand(node_embedding_cat.size(0) - 1, node_embedding_cat.size(1)) s_node = model.f_s(torch.cat((node_embedding_cat[0:-1, :], node_new_embedding_cat), dim=1)) p_node = F.softmax(s_node.permute(1, 0)) a_node = gumbel_softmax(p_node, temperature=0.01) _, a_node_id = a_node.topk(1) a_node_id = int(a_node_id.data[0][0]) # add edge node_neighbor[-1].append(a_node_id) node_neighbor[a_node_id].append(len(node_neighbor) - 1) else: break edge_count += 1 node_count += 1 # clear node_neighbor and build it again node_neighbor = [] for n in range(node_max): temp_neighbor = [k for k in test_graph.edge[n]] node_neighbor.append(temp_neighbor) # now add the last node for real # 1 message passing # do 2 times message passing try: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) # 2 graph embedding and new node embedding node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) init_embedding = calc_init_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 3 f_addnode p_addnode = model.f_an(graph_embedding) a_addnode = sample_tensor(p_addnode) if a_addnode.data[0][0] == 1: # add node node_neighbor.append([]) node_embedding.append(init_embedding) if is_fast: node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) edge_count = 0 while edge_count < args.max_num_node: if not is_fast: node_embedding = message_passing(node_neighbor, node_embedding, model) node_embedding_cat = torch.cat(node_embedding, dim=0) graph_embedding = calc_graph_embedding(node_embedding_cat, model) # 4 f_addedge p_addedge = model.f_ae(graph_embedding) a_addedge = sample_tensor(p_addedge) if a_addedge.data[0][0] == 1: # 5 f_nodes # excluding the last node (which is the new node) node_new_embedding_cat = node_embedding_cat[-1, :].expand(node_embedding_cat.size(0) - 1, node_embedding_cat.size(1)) s_node = model.f_s(torch.cat((node_embedding_cat[0:-1, :], node_new_embedding_cat), dim=1)) p_node = F.softmax(s_node.permute(1, 0)) a_node = gumbel_softmax(p_node, temperature=0.01) _, a_node_id = a_node.topk(1) a_node_id = int(a_node_id.data[0][0]) # add edge node_neighbor[-1].append(a_node_id) node_neighbor[a_node_id].append(len(node_neighbor) - 1) else: break edge_count += 1 node_count += 1 except: print('error') # save graph node_neighbor_dict = dict(zip(list(range(len(node_neighbor))), node_neighbor)) graph = nx.from_dict_of_lists(node_neighbor_dict) return graph def neigh_to_mat(neigh, size): ret_list = np.zeros(size) for i in neigh: ret_list[i] = 1 return ret_list def calc_lable_result(test_graphs, returned_graphs): labels = [] results = [] i = 0 for test_graph in test_graphs: n = len(test_graph.nodes()) returned_graph = returned_graphs[i] label = neigh_to_mat([k for k in test_graph.edge[n - 1]], n) try: result = neigh_to_mat([k for k in returned_graph.edge[n - 1]], n) except: result = np.zeros(n) labels.append(label) results.append(result) i += 1 return labels, results def evaluate(labels, results): mae_list = [] roc_score_list = [] ap_score_list = [] precision_list = [] recall_list = [] iter = 0 for result in results: label = labels[iter] iter += 1 part1 = label[result == 1] part2 = part1[part1 == 1] part3 = part1[part1 == 0] part4 = label[result == 0] part5 = part4[part4 == 1] tp = len(part2) fp = len(part3) fn = part5.sum() if tp + fp > 0: precision = tp / (tp + fp) else: precision = 0 recall = tp / (tp + fn) precision_list.append(precision) recall_list.append(recall) positive = result[label == 1] if len(positive) <= len(list(result[label == 0])): negative = random.sample(list(result[label == 0]), len(positive)) else: negative = result[label == 0] positive = random.sample(list(result[label == 1]), len(negative)) preds_all = np.hstack([positive, negative]) labels_all = np.hstack([np.ones(len(positive)), np.zeros(len(positive))]) if len(labels_all) > 0: roc_score = roc_auc_score(labels_all, preds_all) ap_score = average_precision_score(labels_all, preds_all) roc_score_list.append(roc_score) ap_score_list.append(ap_score) mae = 0 for x in range(len(result)): if result[x] != label[x]: mae += 1 mae = mae / len(label) mae_list.append(mae) mean_roc = mean(roc_score_list) mean_ap = mean(ap_score_list) mean_precision = mean(precision_list) mean_recall = mean(recall_list) mean_mae = mean(mae_list) print('roc_score ' + str(mean_roc)) print('ap_score ' + str(mean_ap)) print('precision ' + str(mean_precision)) print('recall ' + str(mean_recall)) print('mae ' + str(mean_mae)) return mean_roc, mean_ap, mean_precision, mean_recall if __name__ == '__main__': args = Args_DGMG() os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args.cuda) print('CUDA', args.cuda) print('File name prefix', args.fname) graphs = [] for i in range(4, 10): graphs.append(nx.ladder_graph(i)) model = DGM_graphs(h_size=args.node_embedding_size).cuda() if args.graph_type == 'ladder_small': graphs = [] for i in range(2, 11): graphs.append(nx.ladder_graph(i)) args.max_prev_node = 10 if args.graph_type == 'caveman_small': graphs = [] for i in range(2, 3): for j in range(6, 11): for k in range(20): graphs.append(caveman_special(i, j, p_edge=0.8)) args.max_prev_node = 20 if args.graph_type == 'grid_small': graphs = [] for i in range(2, 4): for j in range(2, 4): graphs.append(nx.grid_2d_graph(i, j)) args.max_prev_node = 15 if args.graph_type == 'barabasi_small': graphs = [] for i in range(4, 21): for j in range(3, 4): for k in range(10): graphs.append(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(i, j)) args.max_prev_node = 20 if args.graph_type == 'enzymes_small': graphs_raw = Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=10, name='ENZYMES') graphs = [] for G in graphs_raw: if G.number_of_nodes() <= 20: graphs.append(G) args.max_prev_node = 15 if args.graph_type == 'citeseer_small': _, _, G = Graph_load(dataset='citeseer') G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G) graphs = [] for i in range(G.number_of_nodes()): G_ego = nx.ego_graph(G, i, radius=1) if (G_ego.number_of_nodes() >= 4) and (G_ego.number_of_nodes() <= 20): graphs.append(G_ego) shuffle(graphs) graphs = graphs[0:200] args.max_prev_node = 15 else: graphs, num_classes = load_data(args.graph_type, True) small_graphs = [] for i in range(len(graphs)): if graphs[i].number_of_nodes() < 13: small_graphs.append(graphs[i]) graphs = small_graphs args.max_prev_node = 12 # remove self loops for graph in graphs: edges_with_selfloops = graph.selfloop_edges() if len(edges_with_selfloops) > 0: graph.remove_edges_from(edges_with_selfloops) # split datasets random.seed(123) shuffle(graphs) graphs_len = len(graphs) graphs_test = graphs[int(0.8 * graphs_len):] graphs_train = graphs[0:int(0.8 * graphs_len)] args.max_num_node = max([graphs[i].number_of_nodes() for i in range(len(graphs))]) # show graphs statistics print('total graph num: {}, training set: {}'.format(len(graphs), len(graphs_train))) print('max number node: {}'.format(args.max_num_node)) print('max previous node: {}'.format(args.max_prev_node)) ### train train_DGMG(args, graphs_train, model) fname = args.model_save_path + args.fname + 'model_' + str(args.load_epoch) + '.dat' model.load_state_dict(torch.load(fname)) all_tests = list() all_ret_test = list() for test_graph in graphs_test: test_graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(test_graph) test_graph.remove_node(test_graph.nodes()[len(test_graph.nodes()) - 1]) ret_test = test_DGMG_2(args, model, test_graph) all_tests.append(test_graph) all_ret_test.append(ret_test) labels, results = calc_lable_result(test_graph, ret_test) evaluate(labels, results)