import concurrent.futures from datetime import datetime from functools import partial import numpy as np import networkx as nx import os import pickle as pkl import subprocess as sp import time import eval.mmd as mmd PRINT_TIME = False def degree_worker(G): return np.array(nx.degree_histogram(G)) def add_tensor(x,y): support_size = max(len(x), len(y)) if len(x) < len(y): x = np.hstack((x, [0.0] * (support_size - len(x)))) elif len(y) < len(x): y = np.hstack((y, [0.0] * (support_size - len(y)))) return x+y def degree_stats(graph_ref_list, graph_pred_list, is_parallel=False): ''' Compute the distance between the degree distributions of two unordered sets of graphs. Args: graph_ref_list, graph_target_list: two lists of networkx graphs to be evaluated ''' sample_ref = [] sample_pred = [] # in case an empty graph is generated graph_pred_list_remove_empty = [G for G in graph_pred_list if not G.number_of_nodes() == 0] prev = if is_parallel: with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for deg_hist in, graph_ref_list): sample_ref.append(deg_hist) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for deg_hist in, graph_pred_list_remove_empty): sample_pred.append(deg_hist) else: for i in range(len(graph_ref_list)): degree_temp = np.array(nx.degree_histogram(graph_ref_list[i])) sample_ref.append(degree_temp) for i in range(len(graph_pred_list_remove_empty)): degree_temp = np.array(nx.degree_histogram(graph_pred_list_remove_empty[i])) sample_pred.append(degree_temp) print(len(sample_ref),len(sample_pred)) mmd_dist = mmd.compute_mmd(sample_ref, sample_pred, kernel=mmd.gaussian_emd) elapsed = - prev if PRINT_TIME: print('Time computing degree mmd: ', elapsed) return mmd_dist def clustering_worker(param): G, bins = param clustering_coeffs_list = list(nx.clustering(G).values()) hist, _ = np.histogram( clustering_coeffs_list, bins=bins, range=(0.0, 1.0), density=False) return hist def clustering_stats(graph_ref_list, graph_pred_list, bins=100, is_parallel=True): sample_ref = [] sample_pred = [] graph_pred_list_remove_empty = [G for G in graph_pred_list if not G.number_of_nodes() == 0] prev = if is_parallel: with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for clustering_hist in, [(G, bins) for G in graph_ref_list]): sample_ref.append(clustering_hist) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for clustering_hist in, [(G, bins) for G in graph_pred_list_remove_empty]): sample_pred.append(clustering_hist) # check non-zero elements in hist #total = 0 #for i in range(len(sample_pred)): # nz = np.nonzero(sample_pred[i])[0].shape[0] # total += nz #print(total) else: for i in range(len(graph_ref_list)): clustering_coeffs_list = list(nx.clustering(graph_ref_list[i]).values()) hist, _ = np.histogram( clustering_coeffs_list, bins=bins, range=(0.0, 1.0), density=False) sample_ref.append(hist) for i in range(len(graph_pred_list_remove_empty)): clustering_coeffs_list = list(nx.clustering(graph_pred_list_remove_empty[i]).values()) hist, _ = np.histogram( clustering_coeffs_list, bins=bins, range=(0.0, 1.0), density=False) sample_pred.append(hist) mmd_dist = mmd.compute_mmd(sample_ref, sample_pred, kernel=mmd.gaussian_emd, sigma=1.0/10, distance_scaling=bins) elapsed = - prev if PRINT_TIME: print('Time computing clustering mmd: ', elapsed) return mmd_dist # maps motif/orbit name string to its corresponding list of indices from orca output motif_to_indices = { '3path' : [1, 2], '4cycle' : [8], } COUNT_START_STR = 'orbit counts: \n' def edge_list_reindexed(G): idx = 0 id2idx = dict() for u in G.nodes(): id2idx[str(u)] = idx idx += 1 edges = [] for (u, v) in G.edges(): edges.append((id2idx[str(u)], id2idx[str(v)])) return edges def orca(graph): tmp_fname = 'eval/orca/tmp.txt' f = open(tmp_fname, 'w') f.write(str(graph.number_of_nodes()) + ' ' + str(graph.number_of_edges()) + '\n') for (u, v) in edge_list_reindexed(graph): f.write(str(u) + ' ' + str(v) + '\n') f.close() output = sp.check_output(['./eval/orca/orca', 'node', '4', 'eval/orca/tmp.txt', 'std']) output = output.decode('utf8').strip() idx = output.find(COUNT_START_STR) + len(COUNT_START_STR) output = output[idx:] node_orbit_counts = np.array([list(map(int, node_cnts.strip().split(' ') )) for node_cnts in output.strip('\n').split('\n')]) try: os.remove(tmp_fname) except OSError: pass return node_orbit_counts def motif_stats(graph_ref_list, graph_pred_list, motif_type='4cycle', ground_truth_match=None, bins=100): # graph motif counts (int for each graph) # normalized by graph size total_counts_ref = [] total_counts_pred = [] num_matches_ref = [] num_matches_pred = [] graph_pred_list_remove_empty = [G for G in graph_pred_list if not G.number_of_nodes() == 0] indices = motif_to_indices[motif_type] for G in graph_ref_list: orbit_counts = orca(G) motif_counts = np.sum(orbit_counts[:, indices], axis=1) if ground_truth_match is not None: match_cnt = 0 for elem in motif_counts: if elem == ground_truth_match: match_cnt += 1 num_matches_ref.append(match_cnt / G.number_of_nodes()) #hist, _ = np.histogram( # motif_counts, bins=bins, density=False) motif_temp = np.sum(motif_counts) / G.number_of_nodes() total_counts_ref.append(motif_temp) for G in graph_pred_list_remove_empty: orbit_counts = orca(G) motif_counts = np.sum(orbit_counts[:, indices], axis=1) if ground_truth_match is not None: match_cnt = 0 for elem in motif_counts: if elem == ground_truth_match: match_cnt += 1 num_matches_pred.append(match_cnt / G.number_of_nodes()) motif_temp = np.sum(motif_counts) / G.number_of_nodes() total_counts_pred.append(motif_temp) mmd_dist = mmd.compute_mmd(total_counts_ref, total_counts_pred, kernel=mmd.gaussian, is_hist=False) #print('-------------------------') #print(np.sum(total_counts_ref) / len(total_counts_ref)) #print('...') #print(np.sum(total_counts_pred) / len(total_counts_pred)) #print('-------------------------') return mmd_dist def orbit_stats_all(graph_ref_list, graph_pred_list): total_counts_ref = [] total_counts_pred = [] graph_pred_list_remove_empty = [G for G in graph_pred_list if not G.number_of_nodes() == 0] for G in graph_ref_list: try: orbit_counts = orca(G) except: continue orbit_counts_graph = np.sum(orbit_counts, axis=0) / G.number_of_nodes() total_counts_ref.append(orbit_counts_graph) for G in graph_pred_list: try: orbit_counts = orca(G) except: continue orbit_counts_graph = np.sum(orbit_counts, axis=0) / G.number_of_nodes() total_counts_pred.append(orbit_counts_graph) total_counts_ref = np.array(total_counts_ref) total_counts_pred = np.array(total_counts_pred) mmd_dist = mmd.compute_mmd(total_counts_ref, total_counts_pred, kernel=mmd.gaussian, is_hist=False, sigma=30.0) print('-------------------------') print(np.sum(total_counts_ref, axis=0) / len(total_counts_ref)) print('...') print(np.sum(total_counts_pred, axis=0) / len(total_counts_pred)) print('-------------------------') return mmd_dist