import networkx as nx import numpy as np import torch from data import bfs_seq class GraphAdjSampler( def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_nodes, permutation_mode, bfs_mode, bfs_mode_with_arbitrary_node_deleted, features='id'): self.max_num_nodes = max_num_nodes self.adj_all = [] self.len_all = [] self.feature_all = [] self.count = 0 self.permutation_mode = permutation_mode self.bfs_mode = bfs_mode self.bfs_mode_with_arbitrary_node_deleted = bfs_mode_with_arbitrary_node_deleted for G in G_list: adj = nx.to_numpy_matrix(G) # the diagonal entries are 1 since they denote node probability self.adj_all.append( np.asarray(adj) + np.identity(G.number_of_nodes())) self.len_all.append(G.number_of_nodes()) if features == 'id': self.feature_all.append(np.identity(max_num_nodes)) elif features == 'deg': degs = np.sum(np.array(adj), 1) degs = np.expand_dims(np.pad(degs, [0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()], 0), axis=1) self.feature_all.append(degs) elif features == 'struct': degs = np.sum(np.array(adj), 1) degs = np.expand_dims(np.pad(degs, [0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()], 'constant'), axis=1) clusterings = np.array(list(nx.clustering(G).values())) clusterings = np.expand_dims(np.pad(clusterings, [0, max_num_nodes - G.number_of_nodes()], 'constant'), axis=1) self.feature_all.append(np.hstack([degs, clusterings])) def __len__(self): return len(self.adj_all) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj = self.adj_all[idx] if self.permutation_mode: x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj.shape[0]) # self.count += 1 adj = adj[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj = np.asmatrix(adj) if self.bfs_mode: if self.bfs_mode_with_arbitrary_node_deleted: random_idx_for_delete = np.random.randint(adj.shape[0]) deleted_node = adj[:, random_idx_for_delete].copy() for i in range(deleted_node.__len__()): if i >= random_idx_for_delete and i < deleted_node.__len__() - 1: deleted_node[i] = deleted_node[i + 1] elif i == deleted_node.__len__() - 1: deleted_node[i] = 0 adj[:, random_idx_for_delete:adj.shape[0] - 1] = adj[:, random_idx_for_delete + 1:adj.shape[0]] adj[random_idx_for_delete:adj.shape[0] - 1, :] = adj[random_idx_for_delete + 1:adj.shape[0], :] adj = np.delete(adj, -1, axis=1) adj = np.delete(adj, -1, axis=0) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj) # then do bfs in the permuted G degree_arr = np.sum(adj, axis=0) start_idx = np.argmax(degree_arr) # start_idx = np.random.randint(adj.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj = adj[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] x_idx = np.insert(x_idx, x_idx.size, x_idx.size) deleted_node = deleted_node[np.ix_(x_idx)] adj = np.append(adj, deleted_node[:-1], axis=1) deleted_node = deleted_node.reshape(1, -1) adj = np.vstack([adj, deleted_node]) else: G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj = adj[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] num_nodes = adj.shape[0] adj_padded = np.zeros((self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) adj_padded[:num_nodes, :num_nodes] = adj adj_decoded = np.zeros(self.max_num_nodes * (self.max_num_nodes + 1) // 2) node_idx = 0 adj_vectorized = adj_padded[np.triu(np.ones((self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes))) == 1] # the following 2 lines recover the upper triangle of the adj matrix # recovered = np.zeros((self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) # recovered[np.triu(np.ones((self.max_num_nodes, self.max_num_nodes)) ) == 1] = adj_vectorized # print(recovered) return {'adj': adj_padded, 'adj_decoded': adj_vectorized, 'num_nodes': num_nodes, 'features': self.feature_all[idx].copy()}