### program configuration class Args(): def __init__(self): ### if clean tensorboard self.clean_tensorboard = False ### Which CUDA GPU device is used for training self.cuda = 1 ### Which GraphRNN model variant is used. # The simple version of Graph RNN # self.note = 'GraphRNN_MLP' # The dependent Bernoulli sequence version of GraphRNN self.initial_note = 'GraphRNN_RNN' # self.note = 'GraphRNN_MLP_nobfs' self.note = 'GraphRNN_RNN' self.training_mode = 'TrainForCompletion' self.number_of_missing_nodes = 3 self.loss = 'GraphRNN_loss' # 'matrix_completion_loss' or 'graph_matching_loss' or 'GraphRNN_loss', 'Normal' ## for comparison, removing the BFS compoenent # self.note = 'GraphRNN_MLP_nobfs' # self.note = 'GraphRNN_RNN_nobfs' ### Which dataset is used to train the model # self.graph_type = 'DD' # self.graph_type = 'caveman' # self.graph_type = 'caveman_small' # self.graph_type = 'caveman_small_single' # self.graph_type = 'community4' # self.graph_type = 'grid' self.graph_type = 'COLLAB' # self.graph_type = 'ladder_small' # self.graph_type = 'enzymes' # self.graph_type = 'enzymes_small' # self.graph_type = 'barabasi' # self.graph_type = 'barabasi_small' # self.graph_type = 'citeseer' # self.graph_type = 'citeseer_small' # self.graph_type = 'barabasi_noise' # self.noise = 10 # # if self.graph_type == 'barabasi_noise': # self.graph_type = self.graph_type+str(self.noise) # if none, then auto calculate self.max_num_node = None # max number of nodes in a graph self.max_prev_node = None # max previous node that looks back ### network config ## GraphRNN if 'small' in self.graph_type: self.parameter_shrink = 2 else: self.parameter_shrink = 1 self.hidden_size_rnn = int(128/self.parameter_shrink) # hidden size for main RNN self.hidden_size_rnn_output = 16 # hidden size for output RNN self.embedding_size_rnn = int(64/self.parameter_shrink) # the size for LSTM input self.embedding_size_rnn_output = 8 # the embedding size for output rnn self.embedding_size_output = int(64/self.parameter_shrink) # the embedding size for output (VAE/MLP) self.batch_size = 32 # normal: 32, and the rest should be changed accordingly self.test_batch_size = 32 self.test_total_size = 1000 self.num_layers = 4 ### training config self.num_workers = 4 # num workers to load data, default 4 self.batch_ratio = 32 # how many batches of samples per epoch, default 32, e.g., 1 epoch = 32 batches self.epochs = 3000 # now one epoch means self.batch_ratio x batch_size self.epochs_test_start = 100 self.epochs_test = 100 self.epochs_log = 50 self.epochs_save = 1000 self.lr = 0.003 self.milestones = [400, 1000] self.lr_rate = 0.3 self.sample_time = 2 # sample time in each time step, when validating ### output config # self.dir_input = "/dfs/scratch0/jiaxuany0/" self.dir_input = "./" self.model_save_path = self.dir_input+'model_save/' # only for nll evaluation self.tensorboard_path = self.dir_input + 'tensorboard/' self.graph_save_path = self.dir_input+'graphs/' self.figure_save_path = self.dir_input+'figures/' self.timing_save_path = self.dir_input+'timing/' self.figure_prediction_save_path = self.dir_input+'figures_prediction/' self.nll_save_path = self.dir_input+'nll/' self.load = False # if load model, default lr is very low self.load_epoch = 3000 self.save = True ### baseline config # self.generator_baseline = 'Gnp' self.generator_baseline = 'BA' # self.metric_baseline = 'general' # self.metric_baseline = 'degree' self.metric_baseline = 'clustering' self.graph_completion_string = self.training_mode + "_number_of_missing_nodes_" + str(self.number_of_missing_nodes) ### filenames to save intemediate and final outputs self.initial_fname = self.initial_note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.num_layers) + '_' + str(self.hidden_size_rnn) + '_' self.fname = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.num_layers) + '_' + str(self.hidden_size_rnn) + '_' self.fname_pred = self.note+'_'+self.graph_type+'_'+str(self.num_layers)+'_'+ str(self.hidden_size_rnn)+'_pred_' self.fname_train = self.note+'_'+self.graph_type+'_'+str(self.num_layers)+'_'+ str(self.hidden_size_rnn)+'_train_' self.fname_test = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.num_layers) + '_' + str(self.hidden_size_rnn) + '_test_' self.fname_baseline = self.graph_save_path + self.graph_type + self.generator_baseline+'_'+self.metric_baseline self.fname_GraphRNN = self.note + '_' + self.graph_type + '_' + str(self.num_layers) + '_' + str(self.hidden_size_rnn) + '_'