import pickle as pkl from random import shuffle import scipy.sparse as sp from model import * from utils import * # load ENZYMES and PROTEIN and DD dataset def Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=20, max_num_nodes=1000, name='ENZYMES', node_attributes=True, graph_labels=True): ''' load many graphs, e.g. enzymes :return: a list of graphs ''' print('Loading graph dataset: ' + str(name)) G = nx.Graph() # load data path = 'dataset/' + name + '/' data_adj = np.loadtxt(path + name + '_A.txt', delimiter=',').astype(int) if node_attributes: data_node_att = np.loadtxt(path + name + '_node_attributes.txt', delimiter=',') data_node_label = np.loadtxt(path + name + '_node_labels.txt', delimiter=',').astype(int) data_graph_indicator = np.loadtxt(path + name + '_graph_indicator.txt', delimiter=',').astype(int) if graph_labels: data_graph_labels = np.loadtxt(path + name + '_graph_labels.txt', delimiter=',').astype(int) data_tuple = list(map(tuple, data_adj)) # print(len(data_tuple)) # print(data_tuple[0]) # add edges G.add_edges_from(data_tuple) # add node attributes for i in range(data_node_label.shape[0]): if node_attributes: G.add_node(i + 1, feature=data_node_att[i]) G.add_node(i + 1, label=data_node_label[i]) G.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(G))) # print(G.number_of_nodes()) # print(G.number_of_edges()) # split into graphs graph_num = data_graph_indicator.max() node_list = np.arange(data_graph_indicator.shape[0]) + 1 graphs = [] max_nodes = 0 for i in range(graph_num): # find the nodes for each graph nodes = node_list[data_graph_indicator == i + 1] G_sub = G.subgraph(nodes) if graph_labels: G_sub.graph['label'] = data_graph_labels[i] # print('nodes', G_sub.number_of_nodes()) # print('edges', G_sub.number_of_edges()) # print('label', G_sub.graph) if G_sub.number_of_nodes() >= min_num_nodes and G_sub.number_of_nodes() <= max_num_nodes: graphs.append(G_sub) if G_sub.number_of_nodes() > max_nodes: max_nodes = G_sub.number_of_nodes() # print(G_sub.number_of_nodes(), 'i', i) # print('Graph dataset name: {}, total graph num: {}'.format(name, len(graphs))) # logging.warning('Graphs loaded, total num: {}'.format(len(graphs))) print('Loaded') return graphs def test_graph_load_DD(): graphs, max_num_nodes = Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=10, name='DD', node_attributes=False, graph_labels=True) shuffle(graphs) plt.switch_backend('agg') plt.hist([len(graphs[i]) for i in range(len(graphs))], bins=100) plt.savefig('figures/test.png') plt.close() row = 4 col = 4 draw_graph_list(graphs[0:row * col], row=row, col=col, fname='figures/test') print('max num nodes', max_num_nodes) def parse_index_file(filename): index = [] for line in open(filename): index.append(int(line.strip())) return index # load cora, citeseer and pubmed dataset def Graph_load(dataset='cora'): ''' Load a single graph dataset :param dataset: dataset name :return: ''' names = ['x', 'tx', 'allx', 'graph'] objects = [] for i in range(len(names)): load = pkl.load(open("dataset/ind.{}.{}".format(dataset, names[i]), 'rb'), encoding='latin1') # print('loaded') objects.append(load) # print(load) x, tx, allx, graph = tuple(objects) test_idx_reorder = parse_index_file("dataset/ind.{}.test.index".format(dataset)) test_idx_range = np.sort(test_idx_reorder) if dataset == 'citeseer': # Fix citeseer dataset (there are some isolated nodes in the graph) # Find isolated nodes, add them as zero-vecs into the right position test_idx_range_full = range(min(test_idx_reorder), max(test_idx_reorder) + 1) tx_extended = sp.lil_matrix((len(test_idx_range_full), x.shape[1])) tx_extended[test_idx_range - min(test_idx_range), :] = tx tx = tx_extended features = sp.vstack((allx, tx)).tolil() features[test_idx_reorder, :] = features[test_idx_range, :] G = nx.from_dict_of_lists(graph) adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(G) return adj, features, G ######### code test ######## # adj, features,G = Graph_load() # print(adj) # print(G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges()) # _,_,G = Graph_load(dataset='citeseer') # G = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G), key=len) # G = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G) # # count = 0 # max_node = 0 # for i in range(G.number_of_nodes()): # G_ego = nx.ego_graph(G, i, radius=3) # # draw_graph(G_ego,prefix='test'+str(i)) # m = G_ego.number_of_nodes() # if m>max_node: # max_node = m # if m>=50: # print(i, G_ego.number_of_nodes(), G_ego.number_of_edges()) # count += 1 # print('count', count) # print('max_node', max_node) def bfs_seq(G, start_id): ''' get a bfs node sequence :param G: :param start_id: :return: ''' dictionary = dict(nx.bfs_successors(G, start_id)) start = [start_id] output = [start_id] while len(start) > 0: next = [] while len(start) > 0: current = start.pop(0) neighbor = dictionary.get(current) if neighbor is not None: #### a wrong example, should not permute here! # shuffle(neighbor) next = next + neighbor output = output + next start = next return output def encode_adj(adj, max_prev_node=10, is_full=False): ''' :param adj: n*n, rows means time step, while columns are input dimension :param max_degree: we want to keep row number, but truncate column numbers :return: ''' if is_full: max_prev_node = adj.shape[0] - 1 # pick up lower tri adj = np.tril(adj, k=-1) n = adj.shape[0] adj = adj[1:n, 0:n - 1] # use max_prev_node to truncate # note: now adj is a (n-1)*(n-1) matrix adj_output = np.zeros((adj.shape[0], max_prev_node)) for i in range(adj.shape[0]): input_start = max(0, i - max_prev_node + 1) input_end = i + 1 output_start = max_prev_node + input_start - input_end output_end = max_prev_node adj_output[i, output_start:output_end] = adj[i, input_start:input_end] adj_output[i, :] = adj_output[i, :][::-1] # reverse order return adj_output def decode_adj(adj_output): ''' recover to adj from adj_output note: here adj_output have shape (n-1)*m ''' max_prev_node = adj_output.shape[1] adj = np.zeros((adj_output.shape[0], adj_output.shape[0])) for i in range(adj_output.shape[0]): input_start = max(0, i - max_prev_node + 1) input_end = i + 1 output_start = max_prev_node + max(0, i - max_prev_node + 1) - (i + 1) output_end = max_prev_node adj[i, input_start:input_end] = adj_output[i, ::-1][output_start:output_end] # reverse order adj_full = np.zeros((adj_output.shape[0] + 1, adj_output.shape[0] + 1)) n = adj_full.shape[0] adj_full[1:n, 0:n - 1] = np.tril(adj, 0) adj_full = adj_full + adj_full.T return adj_full def encode_adj_flexible(adj): ''' return a flexible length of output note that here there is no loss when encoding/decoding an adj matrix :param adj: adj matrix :return: ''' # pick up lower tri adj = np.tril(adj, k=-1) n = adj.shape[0] adj = adj[1:n, 0:n - 1] adj_output = [] input_start = 0 for i in range(adj.shape[0]): input_end = i + 1 adj_slice = adj[i, input_start:input_end] adj_output.append(adj_slice) non_zero = np.nonzero(adj_slice)[0] input_start = input_end - len(adj_slice) + np.amin(non_zero) return adj_output def decode_adj_flexible(adj_output): ''' return a flexible length of output note that here there is no loss when encoding/decoding an adj matrix :param adj: adj matrix :return: ''' adj = np.zeros((len(adj_output), len(adj_output))) for i in range(len(adj_output)): output_start = i + 1 - len(adj_output[i]) output_end = i + 1 adj[i, output_start:output_end] = adj_output[i] adj_full = np.zeros((len(adj_output) + 1, len(adj_output) + 1)) n = adj_full.shape[0] adj_full[1:n, 0:n - 1] = np.tril(adj, 0) adj_full = adj_full + adj_full.T return adj_full def test_encode_decode_adj(): ######## code test ########### G = nx.ladder_graph(5) G = nx.grid_2d_graph(20, 20) G = nx.ladder_graph(200) G = nx.karate_club_graph() G = nx.connected_caveman_graph(2, 3) print(G.number_of_nodes()) adj = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj) # start_idx = np.random.randint(adj.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj = adj[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] print('adj\n', adj) adj_output = encode_adj(adj, max_prev_node=5) print('adj_output\n', adj_output) adj_recover = decode_adj(adj_output, max_prev_node=5) print('adj_recover\n', adj_recover) print('error\n', np.amin(adj_recover - adj), np.amax(adj_recover - adj)) adj_output = encode_adj_flexible(adj) for i in range(len(adj_output)): print(len(adj_output[i])) adj_recover = decode_adj_flexible(adj_output) print(adj_recover) print(np.amin(adj_recover - adj), np.amax(adj_recover - adj)) def encode_adj_full(adj): ''' return a n-1*n-1*2 tensor, the first dimension is an adj matrix, the second show if each entry is valid :param adj: adj matrix :return: ''' # pick up lower tri adj = np.tril(adj, k=-1) n = adj.shape[0] adj = adj[1:n, 0:n - 1] adj_output = np.zeros((adj.shape[0], adj.shape[1], 2)) adj_len = np.zeros(adj.shape[0]) for i in range(adj.shape[0]): non_zero = np.nonzero(adj[i, :])[0] input_start = np.amin(non_zero) input_end = i + 1 adj_slice = adj[i, input_start:input_end] # write adj adj_output[i, 0:adj_slice.shape[0], 0] = adj_slice[::-1] # put in reverse order # write stop token (if token is 0, stop) adj_output[i, 0:adj_slice.shape[0], 1] = 1 # put in reverse order # write sequence length adj_len[i] = adj_slice.shape[0] return adj_output, adj_len def decode_adj_full(adj_output): ''' return an adj according to adj_output :param :return: ''' # pick up lower tri adj = np.zeros((adj_output.shape[0] + 1, adj_output.shape[1] + 1)) for i in range(adj_output.shape[0]): non_zero = np.nonzero(adj_output[i, :, 1])[0] # get valid sequence input_end = np.amax(non_zero) adj_slice = adj_output[i, 0:input_end + 1, 0] # get adj slice # write adj output_end = i + 1 output_start = i + 1 - input_end - 1 adj[i + 1, output_start:output_end] = adj_slice[::-1] # put in reverse order adj = adj + adj.T return adj def test_encode_decode_adj_full(): ########### code test ############# # G = nx.ladder_graph(10) G = nx.karate_club_graph() # get bfs adj adj = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj) start_idx = np.random.randint(adj.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj = adj[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_output, adj_len = encode_adj_full(adj) print('adj\n', adj) print('adj_output[0]\n', adj_output[:, :, 0]) print('adj_output[1]\n', adj_output[:, :, 1]) # print('adj_len\n',adj_len) adj_recover = decode_adj_full(adj_output) print('adj_recover\n', adj_recover) print('error\n', adj_recover - adj) print('error_sum\n', np.amax(adj_recover - adj), np.amin(adj_recover - adj)) ########## use pytorch dataloader class Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch( def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_node=None, max_prev_node=None, iteration=20000): self.adj_all = [] self.len_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) self.len_all.append(G.number_of_nodes()) if max_num_node is None: self.n = max(self.len_all) else: self.n = max_num_node if max_prev_node is None: print('calculating max previous node, total iteration: {}'.format(iteration)) self.max_prev_node = max(self.calc_max_prev_node(iter=iteration)) print('max previous node: {}'.format(self.max_prev_node)) else: self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # # sort Graph in descending order # len_batch_order = np.argsort(np.array(self.len_all))[::-1] # self.len_all = [self.len_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] # self.adj_all = [self.adj_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] def __len__(self): return len(self.adj_all) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_copy = self.adj_all[idx].copy() x_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph x_batch[0, :] = 1 # the first input token is all ones y_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # generate input x, y pairs len_batch = adj_copy.shape[0] x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded return {'x': x_batch, 'y': y_batch, 'len': len_batch} def calc_max_prev_node(self, iter=20000, topk=10): max_prev_node = [] for i in range(iter): if i % (iter / 5) == 0: print('iter {} times'.format(i)) adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('Graph size', adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj_flexible(adj_copy.copy()) max_encoded_len = max([len(adj_encoded[i]) for i in range(len(adj_encoded))]) max_prev_node.append(max_encoded_len) max_prev_node = sorted(max_prev_node)[-1 * topk:] return max_prev_node ########## use pytorch dataloader class Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch_nobfs( def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_node=None): self.adj_all = [] self.len_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) self.len_all.append(G.number_of_nodes()) if max_num_node is None: self.n = max(self.len_all) else: self.n = max_num_node def __len__(self): return len(self.adj_all) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_copy = self.adj_all[idx].copy() x_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.n - 1)) # here zeros are padded for small graph x_batch[0, :] = 1 # the first input token is all ones y_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.n - 1)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # generate input x, y pairs len_batch = adj_copy.shape[0] x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy.copy(), max_prev_node=self.n - 1) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded return {'x': x_batch, 'y': y_batch, 'len': len_batch} # dataset = Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch_nobfs(graphs) # print(dataset[1]['x']) # print(dataset[1]['y']) # print(dataset[1]['len']) ########## use pytorch dataloader class Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch_canonical( def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_node=None, max_prev_node=None, iteration=20000): self.adj_all = [] self.len_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) self.len_all.append(G.number_of_nodes()) if max_num_node is None: self.n = max(self.len_all) else: self.n = max_num_node if max_prev_node is None: # print('calculating max previous node, total iteration: {}'.format(iteration)) # self.max_prev_node = max(self.calc_max_prev_node(iter=iteration)) # print('max previous node: {}'.format(self.max_prev_node)) self.max_prev_node = self.n - 1 else: self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # # sort Graph in descending order # len_batch_order = np.argsort(np.array(self.len_all))[::-1] # self.len_all = [self.len_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] # self.adj_all = [self.adj_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] def __len__(self): return len(self.adj_all) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_copy = self.adj_all[idx].copy() x_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph x_batch[0, :] = 1 # the first input token is all ones y_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # generate input x, y pairs len_batch = adj_copy.shape[0] # adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) # G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G # start_idx = G.number_of_nodes()-1 # x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) # adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy, max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded return {'x': x_batch, 'y': y_batch, 'len': len_batch} def calc_max_prev_node(self, iter=20000, topk=10): max_prev_node = [] for i in range(iter): if i % (iter / 5) == 0: print('iter {} times'.format(i)) adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('Graph size', adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj_flexible(adj_copy.copy()) max_encoded_len = max([len(adj_encoded[i]) for i in range(len(adj_encoded))]) max_prev_node.append(max_encoded_len) max_prev_node = sorted(max_prev_node)[-1 * topk:] return max_prev_node ########## use pytorch dataloader class Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch_nll( def __init__(self, G_list, max_num_node=None, max_prev_node=None, iteration=20000): self.adj_all = [] self.len_all = [] for G in G_list: adj = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G)) adj_temp = self.calc_adj(adj) self.adj_all.extend(adj_temp) self.len_all.append(G.number_of_nodes()) if max_num_node is None: self.n = max(self.len_all) else: self.n = max_num_node if max_prev_node is None: # print('calculating max previous node, total iteration: {}'.format(iteration)) # self.max_prev_node = max(self.calc_max_prev_node(iter=iteration)) # print('max previous node: {}'.format(self.max_prev_node)) self.max_prev_node = self.n - 1 else: self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node # # sort Graph in descending order # len_batch_order = np.argsort(np.array(self.len_all))[::-1] # self.len_all = [self.len_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] # self.adj_all = [self.adj_all[i] for i in len_batch_order] def __len__(self): return len(self.adj_all) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_copy = self.adj_all[idx].copy() x_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph x_batch[0, :] = 1 # the first input token is all ones y_batch = np.zeros((self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # generate input x, y pairs len_batch = adj_copy.shape[0] # adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) # G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G # start_idx = G.number_of_nodes()-1 # x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) # adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy, max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded return {'x': x_batch, 'y': y_batch, 'len': len_batch} def calc_adj(self, adj): max_iter = 10000 adj_all = [adj] adj_all_len = 1 i_old = 0 for i in range(max_iter): adj_copy = adj.copy() x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] add_flag = True for adj_exist in adj_all: if np.array_equal(adj_exist, adj_copy): add_flag = False break if add_flag: adj_all.append(adj_copy) adj_all_len += 1 if adj_all_len % 10 == 0: print('adj found:', adj_all_len, 'iter used', i) return adj_all # graphs = [nx.barabasi_albert_graph(20,3)] # graphs = [nx.grid_2d_graph(4,4)] # dataset = Graph_sequence_sampler_pytorch_nll(graphs) ############## below are codes not used in current version ############## they are based on pytorch default data loader, we should consider reimplement them in current datasets, since they are more efficient # normal version class Graph_sequence_sampler_truncate(): ''' the output will truncate according to the max_prev_node ''' def __init__(self, G_list, max_node_num=25, batch_size=4, max_prev_node=25): self.batch_size = batch_size self.n = max_node_num self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node self.adj_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) def sample(self): # batch, length, feature x_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph y_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph len_batch = np.zeros(self.batch_size) # generate input x, y pairs for i in range(self.batch_size): # first sample and get a permuted adj adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() len_batch[i] = adj_copy.shape[0] x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[i, 0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[i, 1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded # sort in descending order len_batch_order = np.argsort(len_batch)[::-1] len_batch = len_batch[len_batch_order] x_batch = x_batch[len_batch_order, :, :] y_batch = y_batch[len_batch_order, :, :] return torch.from_numpy(x_batch).float(), torch.from_numpy(y_batch).float(), len_batch.astype('int').tolist() def calc_max_prev_node(self, iter): max_prev_node = [] for i in range(iter): if i % (iter / 10) == 0: print(i) adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('Graph size', adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) time1 = time.time() # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj_flexible(adj_copy.copy()) max_encoded_len = max([len(adj_encoded[i]) for i in range(len(adj_encoded))]) max_prev_node.append(max_encoded_len) max_prev_node = sorted(max_prev_node)[-100:] return max_prev_node # graphs, max_num_nodes = Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=6, name='DD',node_attributes=False) # dataset = Graph_sequence_sampler_truncate([nx.karate_club_graph()]) # max_prev_nodes = dataset.calc_max_prev_node(iter=10000) # print(max_prev_nodes) # x,y,len = dataset.sample() # print('x',x) # print('y',y) # print(len) # only output y_batch (which is needed in batch version of new model) class Graph_sequence_sampler_fast(): def __init__(self, G_list, max_node_num=25, batch_size=4, max_prev_node=25): self.batch_size = batch_size self.G_list = G_list self.n = max_node_num self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node self.adj_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) def sample(self): # batch, length, feature y_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # generate input x, y pairs for i in range(self.batch_size): # first sample and get a permuted adj adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('graph size',adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # get the feature for the permuted G # dict = nx.bfs_successors(G, start_idx) # print('dict', dict, 'node num', self.G.number_of_nodes()) # print('x idx', x_idx, 'len', len(x_idx)) # print('adj') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # adj_before = adj_copy.copy() # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # print('adj encoded') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # decode adj # print('adj recover error') # adj_decode = decode_adj(adj_encoded.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # adj_err = adj_decode-adj_copy # print(np.sum(adj_err)) # if np.sum(adj_err)!=0: # print(adj_err) # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_err.shape[0]): # print(adj_err[print_i].astype(int)) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[i, 0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200,precision=3) # print('y\n') # for print_i in range(self.y_batch[i,:,:].shape[0]): # print(self.y_batch[i,:,:][print_i].astype(int)) # print('x\n') # for print_i in range(self.x_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.x_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj_norm\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) # print('feature\n') # for print_i in range(self.feature_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.feature_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) # print('x_batch\n',self.x_batch) # print('y_batch\n',self.y_batch) return torch.from_numpy(y_batch).float() # graphs, max_num_nodes = Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=6, name='PROTEINS_full') # print(max_num_nodes) # G = nx.ladder_graph(100) # # G1 = nx.karate_club_graph() # # G2 = nx.connected_caveman_graph(4,5) # G_list = [G] # dataset = Graph_sequence_sampler_fast(graphs, batch_size=128, max_node_num=max_num_nodes, max_prev_node=30) # for i in range(5): # time0 = time.time() # y = dataset.sample() # time1 = time.time() # print(i,'time', time1 - time0) # output size is flexible (using list to represent), batch size is 1 class Graph_sequence_sampler_flexible(): def __init__(self, G_list): self.G_list = G_list self.adj_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) self.y_batch = [] def sample(self): # generate input x, y pairs # first sample and get a permuted adj adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('graph size',adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # get the feature for the permuted G # dict = nx.bfs_successors(G, start_idx) # print('dict', dict, 'node num', self.G.number_of_nodes()) # print('x idx', x_idx, 'len', len(x_idx)) # print('adj') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # adj_before = adj_copy.copy() # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj_flexible(adj_copy.copy()) # print('adj encoded') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # decode adj # print('adj recover error') # adj_decode = decode_adj(adj_encoded.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # adj_err = adj_decode-adj_copy # print(np.sum(adj_err)) # if np.sum(adj_err)!=0: # print(adj_err) # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_err.shape[0]): # print(adj_err[print_i].astype(int)) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded self.y_batch = adj_encoded # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200,precision=3) # print('y\n') # for print_i in range(self.y_batch[i,:,:].shape[0]): # print(self.y_batch[i,:,:][print_i].astype(int)) # print('x\n') # for print_i in range(self.x_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.x_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj_norm\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) # print('feature\n') # for print_i in range(self.feature_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.feature_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) return self.y_batch, adj_copy # G = nx.ladder_graph(5) # # G = nx.grid_2d_graph(20,20) # # G = nx.ladder_graph(200) # graphs = [G] # # graphs, max_num_nodes = Graph_load_batch(min_num_nodes=6, name='ENZYMES') # sampler = Graph_sequence_sampler_flexible(graphs) # # y_max_all = [] # for i in range(10000): # y_raw,adj_copy = sampler.sample() # y_max = max(len(y_raw[i]) for i in range(len(y_raw))) # y_max_all.append(y_max) # # print('max bfs node',y_max) # print('max', max(y_max_all)) # print(y[1]) # print(Variable(torch.FloatTensor(y[1])).cuda(CUDA)) ########### potential use: an encoder along with the GraphRNN decoder # preprocess the adjacency matrix def preprocess(A): # Get size of the adjacency matrix size = len(A) # Get the degrees for each node degrees = np.sum(A, axis=1) + 1 # Create diagonal matrix D from the degrees of the nodes D = np.diag(np.power(degrees, -0.5).flatten()) # Cholesky decomposition of D # D = np.linalg.cholesky(D) # Inverse of the Cholesky decomposition of D # D = np.linalg.inv(D) # Create an identity matrix of size x size I = np.eye(size) # Create A hat A_hat = A + I # Return A_hat A_normal =, A_hat), D) return A_normal # truncate the output seqence to save representation, and allowing for infinite generation # now having a list of graphs class Graph_sequence_sampler_bfs_permute_truncate_multigraph(): def __init__(self, G_list, max_node_num=25, batch_size=4, max_prev_node=25, feature=None): self.batch_size = batch_size self.G_list = G_list self.n = max_node_num self.max_prev_node = max_prev_node self.adj_all = [] for G in G_list: self.adj_all.append(np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(G))) self.has_feature = feature def sample(self): # batch, length, feature # self.x_batch = np.ones((self.batch_size, self.n - 1, self.max_prev_node)) x_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # self.x_batch[:,0,:] = np.ones((self.batch_size, self.max_prev_node)) # first input is all ones # batch, length, feature y_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.max_prev_node)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # batch, length, length adj_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.n)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # batch, size, size adj_norm_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.n)) # here zeros are padded for small graph # batch, size, feature_len: degree and clustering coefficient if self.has_feature is None: feature_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, self.n)) # use one hot feature else: feature_batch = np.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n, 2)) # generate input x, y pairs for i in range(self.batch_size): time0 = time.time() # first sample and get a permuted adj adj_idx = np.random.randint(len(self.adj_all)) adj_copy = self.adj_all[adj_idx].copy() # print('Graph size', adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_copy.shape[0]) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] adj_copy_matrix = np.asmatrix(adj_copy) G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(adj_copy_matrix) time1 = time.time() # then do bfs in the permuted G start_idx = np.random.randint(adj_copy.shape[0]) x_idx = np.array(bfs_seq(G, start_idx)) adj_copy = adj_copy[np.ix_(x_idx, x_idx)] # get the feature for the permuted G node_list = [G.nodes()[i] for i in x_idx] feature_degree = np.array(list([:, np.newaxis] feature_clustering = np.array(list(nx.clustering(G, nodes=node_list).values()))[:, np.newaxis] time2 = time.time() # dict = nx.bfs_successors(G, start_idx) # print('dict', dict, 'node num', self.G.number_of_nodes()) # print('x idx', x_idx, 'len', len(x_idx)) # print('adj') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # adj_before = adj_copy.copy() # encode adj adj_encoded = encode_adj(adj_copy.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # print('adj encoded') # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_copy.shape[0]): # print(adj_copy[print_i].astype(int)) # decode adj # print('adj recover error') # adj_decode = decode_adj(adj_encoded.copy(), max_prev_node=self.max_prev_node) # adj_err = adj_decode-adj_copy # print(np.sum(adj_err)) # if np.sum(adj_err)!=0: # print(adj_err) # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200) # for print_i in range(adj_err.shape[0]): # print(adj_err[print_i].astype(int)) # get x and y and adj # for small graph the rest are zero padded y_batch[i, 0:adj_encoded.shape[0], :] = adj_encoded x_batch[i, 1:adj_encoded.shape[0] + 1, :] = adj_encoded adj_batch[i, 0:adj_copy.shape[0], 0:adj_copy.shape[0]] = adj_copy adj_copy_norm = preprocess(adj_copy) time3 = time.time() adj_norm_batch[i, 0:adj_copy.shape[0], 0:adj_copy.shape[0]] = adj_copy_norm if self.has_feature is None: feature_batch[i, 0:adj_copy.shape[0], 0:adj_copy.shape[0]] = np.eye(adj_copy.shape[0]) else: feature_batch[i, 0:adj_copy.shape[0], :] = np.concatenate((feature_degree, feature_clustering), axis=1) # np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200,precision=3) # print('y\n') # for print_i in range(self.y_batch[i,:,:].shape[0]): # print(self.y_batch[i,:,:][print_i].astype(int)) # print('x\n') # for print_i in range(self.x_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.x_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(int)) # print('adj_norm\n') # for print_i in range(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.adj_norm_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) # print('feature\n') # for print_i in range(self.feature_batch[i, :, :].shape[0]): # print(self.feature_batch[i, :, :][print_i].astype(float)) time4 = time.time() # print('1 ',time1-time0) # print('2 ',time2-time1) # print('3 ',time3-time2) # print('4 ',time4-time3) # print('x_batch\n',self.x_batch) # print('y_batch\n',self.y_batch) return torch.from_numpy(x_batch).float(), torch.from_numpy(y_batch).float(), \ torch.from_numpy(adj_batch).float(), torch.from_numpy(adj_norm_batch).float(), torch.from_numpy( feature_batch).float() # generate own synthetic dataset def Graph_synthetic(seed): G = nx.Graph() np.random.seed(seed) base = np.repeat(np.eye(5), 20, axis=0) rand = np.random.randn(100, 5) * 0.05 node_features = base + rand # # print('node features') # for i in range(node_features.shape[0]): # print(np.around(node_features[i], decimals=4)) node_distance_l1 = np.ones((node_features.shape[0], node_features.shape[0])) node_distance_np = np.zeros((node_features.shape[0], node_features.shape[0])) for i in range(node_features.shape[0]): for j in range(node_features.shape[0]): if i != j: node_distance_l1[i, j] = np.sum(np.abs(node_features[i] - node_features[j])) # print('node distance', node_distance_l1[i,j]) node_distance_np[i, j] = 1 / np.sum(np.abs(node_features[i] - node_features[j]) ** 2) print('node distance max', np.max(node_distance_l1)) print('node distance min', np.min(node_distance_l1)) node_distance_np_sum = np.sum(node_distance_np, axis=1, keepdims=True) embedding_dist = node_distance_np / node_distance_np_sum # generate the graph average_degree = 9 for i in range(node_features.shape[0]): for j in range(i + 1, embedding_dist.shape[0]): p = np.random.rand() if p < embedding_dist[i, j] * average_degree: G.add_edge(i, j) G.remove_nodes_from(nx.isolates(G)) print('num of nodes', G.number_of_nodes()) print('num of edges', G.number_of_edges()) G_deg = nx.degree_histogram(G) G_deg_sum = [a * b for a, b in zip(G_deg, range(0, len(G_deg)))] print('average degree', sum(G_deg_sum) / G.number_of_nodes()) print('average path length', nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)) print('diameter', nx.diameter(G)) G_cluster = sorted(list(nx.clustering(G).values())) print('average clustering coefficient', sum(G_cluster) / len(G_cluster)) print('Graph generation complete!') # node_features = np.concatenate((node_features, np.zeros((1,node_features.shape[1]))),axis=0) return G, node_features # G = Graph_synthetic(10) # return adj and features from a single graph class GraphDataset_adj( """Graph Dataset""" def __init__(self, G, features=None): self.G = G self.n = G.number_of_nodes() adj = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.G)) # permute adj subgraph_idx = np.random.permutation(self.n) # subgraph_idx = np.arange(self.n) adj = adj[np.ix_(subgraph_idx, subgraph_idx)] self.adj = torch.from_numpy(adj + np.eye(len(adj))).float() self.adj_norm = torch.from_numpy(preprocess(adj)).float() if features is None: self.features = torch.Tensor(self.n, self.n) self.features = nn.init.eye(self.features) else: features = features[subgraph_idx, :] self.features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() print('embedding size', self.features.size()) def __len__(self): return 1 def __getitem__(self, idx): sample = {'adj': self.adj, 'adj_norm': self.adj_norm, 'features': self.features} return sample # G = nx.karate_club_graph() # dataset = GraphDataset_adj(G) # train_loader =, batch_size=16, shuffle=True, num_workers=1) # for data in train_loader: # print(data) # return adj and features from a list of graphs class GraphDataset_adj_batch( """Graph Dataset""" def __init__(self, graphs, has_feature=True, num_nodes=20): self.graphs = graphs self.has_feature = has_feature self.num_nodes = num_nodes def __len__(self): return len(self.graphs) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_raw = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graphs[idx])) np.fill_diagonal(adj_raw, 0) # in case the self connection already exists # sample num_nodes size subgraph subgraph_idx = np.random.permutation(adj_raw.shape[0])[0:self.num_nodes] adj_raw = adj_raw[np.ix_(subgraph_idx, subgraph_idx)] adj = torch.from_numpy(adj_raw + np.eye(len(adj_raw))).float() adj_norm = torch.from_numpy(preprocess(adj_raw)).float() adj_raw = torch.from_numpy(adj_raw).float() if self.has_feature: dictionary = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graphs[idx], 'feature') features = np.zeros((self.num_nodes, list(dictionary.values())[0].shape[0])) for i in range(self.num_nodes): features[i, :] = list(dictionary.values())[subgraph_idx[i]] # normalize features -= np.mean(features, axis=0) epsilon = 1e-6 features /= (np.std(features, axis=0) + epsilon) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() else: n = self.num_nodes features = torch.Tensor(n, n) features = nn.init.eye(features) sample = {'adj': adj, 'adj_norm': adj_norm, 'features': features, 'adj_raw': adj_raw} return sample # return adj and features from a list of graphs, batch size = 1, so that graphs can have various size each time class GraphDataset_adj_batch_1( """Graph Dataset""" def __init__(self, graphs, has_feature=True): self.graphs = graphs self.has_feature = has_feature def __len__(self): return len(self.graphs) def __getitem__(self, idx): adj_raw = np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(self.graphs[idx])) np.fill_diagonal(adj_raw, 0) # in case the self connection already exists n = adj_raw.shape[0] # give a permutation subgraph_idx = np.random.permutation(n) # subgraph_idx = np.arange(n) adj_raw = adj_raw[np.ix_(subgraph_idx, subgraph_idx)] adj = torch.from_numpy(adj_raw + np.eye(len(adj_raw))).float() adj_norm = torch.from_numpy(preprocess(adj_raw)).float() if self.has_feature: dictionary = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graphs[idx], 'feature') features = np.zeros((n, list(dictionary.values())[0].shape[0])) for i in range(n): features[i, :] = list(dictionary.values())[i] features = features[subgraph_idx, :] # normalize features -= np.mean(features, axis=0) epsilon = 1e-6 features /= (np.std(features, axis=0) + epsilon) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() else: features = torch.Tensor(n, n) features = nn.init.eye(features) sample = {'adj': adj, 'adj_norm': adj_norm, 'features': features} return sample # get one node at a time, for a single graph class GraphDataset( """Graph Dataset""" def __init__(self, G, hops=1, max_degree=5, vocab_size=35, embedding_dim=35, embedding=None, shuffle_neighbour=True): self.G = G self.shuffle_neighbour = shuffle_neighbour self.hops = hops self.max_degree = max_degree if embedding is None: self.embedding = torch.Tensor(vocab_size, embedding_dim) self.embedding = nn.init.eye(self.embedding) else: self.embedding = torch.from_numpy(embedding).float() print('embedding size', self.embedding.size()) def __len__(self): return len(self.G.nodes()) def __getitem__(self, idx): idx = idx + 1 idx_list = [idx] node_list = [self.embedding[idx].view(-1, self.embedding.size(1))] node_count_list = [] for i in range(self.hops): # sample this hop adj_list = np.array([]) adj_count_list = np.array([]) for idx in idx_list: if self.shuffle_neighbour: adj_list_new = list(self.G.adj[idx - 1]) random.shuffle(adj_list_new) adj_list_new = np.array(adj_list_new) + 1 else: adj_list_new = np.array(list(self.G.adj[idx - 1])) + 1 adj_count_list_new = np.array([len(adj_list_new)]) adj_list = np.concatenate((adj_list, adj_list_new), axis=0) adj_count_list = np.concatenate((adj_count_list, adj_count_list_new), axis=0) # print(i, adj_list) # print(i, embedding(Variable(torch.from_numpy(adj_list)).long())) index = torch.from_numpy(adj_list).long() adj_list_emb = self.embedding[index] node_list.append(adj_list_emb) node_count_list.append(adj_count_list) idx_list = adj_list # padding, used as target idx_list = [idx] node_list_pad = [self.embedding[idx].view(-1, self.embedding.size(1))] node_count_list_pad = [] node_adj_list = [] for i in range(self.hops): adj_list = np.zeros(self.max_degree ** (i + 1)) adj_count_list = np.ones(self.max_degree ** (i)) * self.max_degree for j, idx in enumerate(idx_list): if idx == 0: adj_list_new = np.zeros(self.max_degree) else: if self.shuffle_neighbour: adj_list_new = list(self.G.adj[idx - 1]) # random.shuffle(adj_list_new) adj_list_new = np.array(adj_list_new) + 1 else: adj_list_new = np.array(list(self.G.adj[idx - 1])) + 1 start_idx = j * self.max_degree incre_idx = min(self.max_degree, adj_list_new.shape[0]) adj_list[start_idx:start_idx + incre_idx] = adj_list_new[:incre_idx] index = torch.from_numpy(adj_list).long() adj_list_emb = self.embedding[index] node_list_pad.append(adj_list_emb) node_count_list_pad.append(adj_count_list) idx_list = adj_list # calc adj matrix node_adj = torch.zeros(index.size(0), index.size(0)) for first in range(index.size(0)): for second in range(first, index.size(0)): if index[first] == index[second]: node_adj[first, second] = 1 node_adj[second, first] = 1 elif self.G.has_edge(index[first], index[second]): node_adj[first, second] = 0.5 node_adj[second, first] = 0.5 node_adj_list.append(node_adj) node_list = list(reversed(node_list)) node_count_list = list(reversed(node_count_list)) node_list_pad = list(reversed(node_list_pad)) node_count_list_pad = list(reversed(node_count_list_pad)) node_adj_list = list(reversed(node_adj_list)) sample = {'node_list': node_list, 'node_count_list': node_count_list, 'node_list_pad': node_list_pad, 'node_count_list_pad': node_count_list_pad, 'node_adj_list': node_adj_list} return sample